Cool, but this isn't a holodeck. Not even close.
Cool, but this isn't a holodeck. Not even close.
Troll or just ignorant?
That "archaic" format is the only thing giving you more than one option to buy games. No physical media means no rentals, no used games, longer wait times to play said games, etc.
I'll never understand why people cry for the death of physical media. No physical media means higher prices and no used or renting games. And comparing iOS games to full console/PC games is just stupid.
22.5 mil is hardly paying up the ass.
Exactly what would you like us "zionist fucks" to do? Not our war, not our problem. The middle east has been fighting for hundreds of years, and nothing short of mutually assured destruction is going to change that.
I would say closer to 95%
That would be linux
To an extent, yes. Unless someone does something radically different, they've become pretty boring.
Current dash is still unique, to the MS ecosystem anyway.
Been using XBL since the beta and all I got was an avatar hat.
Thought the same thing.
Did you read the article? PS3 was barely mentioned, and the PS3 isn't the only thing that Sony makes, and that's the point of this article. This article was about EVERYTHING Sony, not just the gaming division which appears to be the only thing keeping them afloat.
If you spend more than $80, you've spent too much. And that's for a decent moto surfboard modem.
Having a monopoly isn't illegal, but abusing it is. And good luck proving abuse.
"Approved" just means what they know works. Technically, your modem should work but you won't know until you try.
Wait, TWC Just now added modem rental fees? Seems like Comcast has had them since day 1 (which is why I own my own modem), so I guess I just assumed TWC did as well.
You can choose to use the standard armor, you just have a LOT more options now.
To this day I have no idea who came up with that phrase, but clearly they never had to do any type of customer service work. If the customer is wrong, they're wrong and you should find a polite way to tell them .
Why would you spend $200 on a Playbook when you could have put that money on an Android, iOS or even Windows device?