I wouldn't fly on an airline owned by someone who thinks seat belts are "useless". With that mindset who knows what corners they cut just to make a quick buck.
I wouldn't fly on an airline owned by someone who thinks seat belts are "useless". With that mindset who knows what corners they cut just to make a quick buck.
Not as rare as you think. I remember a flight I was on a year or so ago where the turbulence almost had you coming out of your seat.
Not really, but ok. Most people's reflexes are so slow that it wouldn't matter anyway.
Maybe. If you're smart you would notice the shape and stand still.
"...It's not clear it will, because it's easy to find patents like this invalid in the courts on prior arts grounds. "
His argument is running that VM on the device itself, which gives you greater integration and control.
Nobody said anything about "owed to you", we're talking about common decency. You've never paid someone and thanked them for their services? Or do you just hand them the money and slam the door in their face?
Not really as you're paid to get to work on time.
So, it's not OK to be happy when you succeed at something you've had trouble with in the past? I could understand if this were a paid service, but this is a free (and optional) service. By the same logic, you're saying that someone should't be happy that they passed their midterm in a class that they've been…
Money isn't a substitute for a simple "Thank you".
I'm sure a lot of people here are going to say that Apple deserves it, but that aside things like this just continue to show how broken our patent system truly is. Protecting IP is one thing, but this? This is just stupid and the definition of patent trolling.
Hardly, and remoting into virtual machines isn't the same is running then on your device. No matter how you spin it, the surface pro will always be able to to more than an iPad.
Doesn't really matter when you can expand the memory, connect other storage devices or use cloud services. Can you upgrade your iPad storage?
Expect a lot of that.
sadly? Can't wait for this day to end.
Find another content source. Still not an earth shattering problem.
Exactly, which is why we shouldn't be worry about it.
I guess if you were just starting out induction would be a choice, but for those who have invested in non-induction cookware over the years it's almost certain that they'll choose gas or electric.
Can't use cheap cookware with gas.
Are you asking why they want gas over electric or induction?