
Not likely as that would cut into their profits

The only stupid person here is you for aligning yourself with a political party. Try thinking for yourself instead of having some two-faced idiot tell you what you want.

Not a game but movies and such. Say some service offered video rental but only for x number of people. The idea is that the Kinect would count the number of people and enforce that policy.

Unplug it. Next problem.

Each product has a unique distinction. Xbox, Windows, Phone. How difficult is that?

Readers here understand that, but the average consumer doesn't know or care about architecture, they go by the name and that's where 8 and RT become confusing. With the "Xbox" distinction, it will instantly be recognized as a gaming related device.

How so?

Wonder if this was the $299 tablet that was initially rumored? Would make more sense for a 7" device.

I'll give you Windows 8 and RT, but the others are pretty self explanatory.

It't not (and never was) intended for you to use it as your main computer.

Actually surprised it took this long.

Sounds like someone needs to hit the gym.

Unless the only mobile devices you've owned over the last 5 years are Apple, how is that possible?

As a day 1 Xoom owner, I can say that Android on the phone is great, but on the tablet not so much. The only thing holding the tablets back is a lack of good tablet apps.

Funny, people also said the same thing about Windows Phone and are saying the same thing about Windows 8.

But why does it even matter? It's on the inside....

Assuming its not "the big one" that levels a city.

I'll take predictable/trackable hurricanes over unpredictable earthquakes any day.


Your point about XP is the one thing that I keep coming back to. I distinctly remember those days when people absolutely HATED XP and here we are almost 13 years later and some people can't let it go because they hate it so much...