
We already have. Socials are virtually useless now because of reasons like this.

It should be fixed, but whats the bigger safety issue though? The low bridge or the fact that the drivers don't head traffic signs?

My argument was not about small trucks but small truck drivers who are probably not qualified to drive the trucks they're driving.

Is it really that hard to figure out?

You would probably get a settlement at best. And yes something isn't working, but I guarantee you that everyone here can think of at least one intersection in their town/city where there are wrecks on a daily or weekly basis and some of the blame can be attributed poor design. You are right about the law changing for

"Problem is Reality states that government and big corporations can do what they want"

Then we would have a video of all of the people in their cars getting stuck when it rains.

They can sue all they want, but they would lose

Not unheard of. I knew several Mac users who had a Zune HD.

"It wasn't immoral during the industrial revolution when we were doing it."

I have the same name as a long time friend's boyfriend, so when she attempted to send some "photos" to him, I got them instead. She called me frantic right after and I made some joke to make her feel better, but things were kinda awkward for a little while after that.

Pretty much sums up why I'm waiting for the surface pro

Agreed. I would gladly give up thinness for more performance, such as a better GPU.

Yes, because computers today are the same as the ones from Windows 3.1....

Given the choice, Retina. Desktop doesn't need to be thin and light because it's a desktop.

"Did you know? That if you already have an Iphone or an Ipad and you buy an Ipad mini, then you're an idiot.."

Already done, with iPad and Android.

The GUI may not be blocked, but the functionality has been by default for some time now.

I've always operated under the philosophy that you can pretty much say/do whatever you want (excluding inciting violence, threats, etc.), but you are responsible for the consequences of what you say/do, and Freedom Of Speech is there to protect you from the government, not private entities.

Sadly people have tried to do this