
I'm going to wait for reviews first, but If it can function as a decent laptop replacement for me, then I have no problem spending the extra money. I realize I could use that money and buy a real laptop, but (despite what others may say) I've always wanted a tablet running a full OS that can easily convert to a laptop.

Personally, I'm still holding out for the Surface Pro, or until something just as good or better is revealed.

Unless Apple released the specs before the iPhone release, it's going to take time for the 3rd party vendors to make accessories. Last thing you should want is some half-assed accessory that crapps out, or worse breaks your new phone.

Exactly, and what kills me the most is those go towards the whole companies adopting iPads and tablets statistics. Yes, lots of companies are buying them, but how many of them are actually using them for work?

"the school openly doesn't know how iPads work or how to regulate them"

Confusing, yes. Misleading, not so much.

Phones are the only thing I upgrade on a yearly basis. Everything else is when it stopps working or gets too slow for my liking.

This is the only thing I hate about Amazon reviews. Most are useful, but then you get types like these.

Evernote? Really? When you can run AutoCAD, Photoshop, et. Al. then it won't be a consumption device. Yes, you can do little things but nothing major.

They sucked because Windows XP on a touchscreen sucked.

Take it from someone who has done this, don't pre-order something like this. Wait for the reviews. I was bitten as an early android tablet adopter (Xoom) and as much as I like the surface, I will wait until it has been put through the gauntlet.

Not really if you consider 4 different storage sizes (8,16,32,64), each in different colors (Black or white) and each with a wifi-only and/or cell options.

$500 doesn't seem bad (to me anyway), but I've been an early adopter of unproven tablets before (Xoom) and been left very disappointed. While I have no problem with the price, I need to make sure this is going to go somewhere and not just gather dust on my desk for a year.

Really don't see the point in a browser on a console, but new features are good I guess. Could use less ads, but then again don't really care because I rarely see/use the dashboard.

If its the same as the beta, flash isn't included. Not that it matters, nobody is going to use a browser on a console, much less IE.

It's been released to the public....

You're right, they won't

Yeah.... So many things wrong with that plan

Just one (Zune) and this is just a big re-branding/upgrade of it.

My point was that some people will do things just because, regardless of cost.