
Just one (Zune) and this is just a big re-branding/upgrade of it.

My point was that some people will do things just because, regardless of cost.

Not always about money

Not necessarily, just means you had a different experience and that's expected otherwise they would have a 100% rating (and no one does). Care to elaborate on why you believe their customer service doesn't live up to the hype?

It could be seen as lazy, but it could also be seen as more and more companies are putting their foot down and sending a message to Adobe. I personally think its a combination of the two.

While I understand HTML 5 and other flash alternatives aren't yet ready for prime time, Flash has become the ideal method of deploying exploits as well as being a being a major source for battery drain.

Mine and others personal experiences say otherwise

Amazon should be fine, if only because of their legendary customer support.

1) This was announced a LONG time ago

Exactly. One of my friends was getting their first smartphone and I recommended Android. Well, instead of a GSII (which was the best at the time) they ended up with a Samsung rugby. Now they hate "Android" and want an iPhone, and I don't blame them because that phone is a slow POS.

I'm actually glad they're stepping up and doing their own hardware, and it can only help in the long run. When people buy bargain bin PCs that run like crap, they rarely blame the manufacturer but rather the OS, which is usually Windows. MS has set the bar and it's up to the OEMs to meet or exceed that bar. Yeah

After having a GNex for almost a year, I don't really care about not having an SD card slot. Honestly didn't miss it, however if the rumors about not having a removable battery are true that may just be a deal breaker for me.

Yes. MIB had access to "future" technology, which in reality was just current technology from more advanced alien species that was hidden away from society.

Its no different than eating blowfish. When someone orders it, they expect that the person preparing it knows what they're doing. In this case, the bartender didn't and more than likely they'll have to pay the price for their incompetence.

I actually own all of my own hardware. I get services from Comcast, but I bought my own cable modem and use a CableCard vs renting a HD DVR and have saved hundreds over the years. Comcast actually gives me a $10 credit per month for "customer owned hardware" which offsets the crappy HD fee.

"few hundred"? Where are you getting that number from? You shouldn't be spending over $80 on a good modem.

I've got the SB6121 and a neighbor has the Zoom and we've both had great success with them. Originally bought them to see which was better and would return the lesser, but kept them both since they were both good.

"We're doing these people a favor."

Very hypocritical statement. You realize there's a good chance that the computer you're using to type that has some component made by foxconn, if not some other Chinese company.

Android's weakness is software fragmentation, not hardware. Having multiple hardware platforms is fine as long as they stick to Google's requirements (no skins, min hardware requirements, updates directly from Google, etc.)