I was always taught to avoid political conversations in the workplace or with friends. Sadly its just one of those topics that almost always gets out of control.
I have a friend like that (loves to apply stereotypes), and the best way I found to counter it (and preserve the friendship) is to make him actually feel how I feel. I made a one off comment about about something and he got defensive about it, and my response was to compare it to his comment to mine. I can't say if I…
The OS may not be, but that doesn't mean that applications aren't. Just like the old windows tablets, they'll be used by a niche group.
2, power/lock and volume. I switched from a Droid X to a GNex and thought I would miss the dedicated camera button, but over a year later I don't.
I just moved into a new house and have spent the last month fighting with Comcast because my incoming signal sucked. Channels were barely coming in, internet connection was was extremely erratic and slow when it did work. Finally had to complain to the "regional supervisor" at which point they ran a whole new line…
To be fair, Jobs didn't really have much of a hand in Siri
Nobody said it was new and its optional, so if you find it annoying turn it off.
Finally a coherent sentence. Positive progress all around.
I'll take that as a yes and move on.
"Did you hear Google faked an address for a Droid maps commercial to make the iPhone map appear incorrect"
"In 7 years, Google maps hasn't accumulated as much hate as Apple Maps has in 6 days. And Maps been out in beta for months. Where were all the haters over the last 6 months? I didn't hear anyone saying how horrible it was during that time!"
You're whole argument is subjective.
"we don't really need them any more."
Great miniature, but the lighting gives it away
And what gave you that idea?
/s Just in case someone thinks you're serious
Its not "fair" but thats how it works. New products/services are always compared with their pre-existing counterparts.
4.6" Galaxy Nexus is perfect for me. The GSIII was pushing it, but 5" is just too big.