
That was my thought. I oversee 5 people and they are all legitimately great. Depending on the project or year I could probably point to someone doing an outstanding job on a given project, but it doesn’t mean that the rest of the team has done poorly. This whole system sucks. 

At a previous employer, our “Executive Management” decided that the support staff should write all of the knowledge base articles as part of their case troubleshooting, thus eliminating the need for technical writing staff.

Counter: what if you’re leading a team of five people and everyone is amazing. This policy forces you to pick one of them as the “worst”, and suddenly that person’s financial and employment situation takes a direct hit.

This is sociopathy and sociopaths. The structure of the modern world and its ‘economy’ both rewards and incentivizes them and their behavior, which should come as no surprise, given that sociopaths are the ones controlling society and writing its laws. Built by and for sociopaths. What we’re seeing is the perfectly

If you can keep the workers fighting amongst each other, they can’t gang up against ownership.

How do you feel when children throw temper tantrums in stores? Do you think that’s fine as well? I think most would probably say parents should get their children under control.

‘If everybody is hitting the work quota, nobody is hitting the work quota.’

but are the actual shitty workers getting called out? or they don’t get picked because they’re friends with so and so all buddybuddy 

‘If everybody is hitting the work quota, nobody is hitting the work quota.’

That’s exactly my point, we keep looking at idiot man-babies who don’t know how to process their emotions being violent when they lose at a sport and acting like it’s no big deal, like you’re supposed to have a tantrum when things don’t go your way or like there’s no other options here. There’s another way and it’s

I mean, part of the problem is that we keep ignoring shit like this. Like, is a 19-year-old breaking a controller after losing in a fighting game really important? No, but just as you posted all of those men acting like babies and said “who the heck cares”, we need to stop acting like it’s ok. Competitive, hyped up on

Nailed it.

I feel like this argument comes way too close to letting American social media off the hook for very similar and equally nefarious practices.

FarRight MAGA chuds: Freedom of speech man, it’s like really important. You can’t tell youdont like me saying something because that is censoring my freedom of speech.

Rant that doesn’t introduce any new thoughts on the matter. I just got pissed off reading this article and felt the need to vent.

It’s pretty damn obvious tech companies are trying to make artistic/creative labor in general obsolete through the increasing popularity of AI tools(obviously pushed by them). AI tools may be flawed right now, but people are overlooking the true intent here.

2015! That is recent ranting/hatred toward Black women. Not that it matters, BUT what skin tone is his mother? Can a psychologist answer this question....PLEASE! Why is it that Black men show such “reverence” for their mothers and yet can espouse so much hatred for Black females regardless of skin tone. 1980's RAP

The comparison isn’t quite valid. Typically, a game is PC exclusive for technical reasons, input reasons or budgetary reasons. For example, porting the Total War games to consoles would require complete UI and control scheme overhauls and console CPUs may not be able to handle the sheer number of units on-screen. In

Yeah, their guilded age if anything. They’re a good highlight on how much the game industry has changed as it became more than just a fad/hobby - Nintendo too.

Square in the mid to late 90s was also just a very different company.