
As we try to correct this, it’s worth noting complicating factors and knock-on effects, for instance the fact that most Americans pay for their medical expenses through

Nah, more like someone who isn’t biased towards the companies best interest which like if I’m being fair is and issue with all three of them.

If someone gets drunk and robs a liquor store but “didn’t mean it” when they sober up, they still robbed a liquor store. They still get arrested. They still go to jail.

Why is that high? Does it just sound like a high number or do you have some math that would contradict what Warren and others seem to believe is feasible?

Multiple people you’ve worked with across different project don’t release public statements against your behavior that are then supported by other people that were there simply because you’re “kind of a dick”. At this point it’s clear that there is something more abusive in Whedon’s behavior that we shouldn’t be so

You are correct. But nobody wants to freeze to death sober.

I’m not even talking about Snyder “hurting the audience.” Snyder is a straight horrible person and supports bigoted bullshit. 

I always fed my daughter with cold formula and it made my life a million times easier when she was a baby. Just needed two things: a baby bottle with the correct amount of water pre-measured into it, and a separate sealed container with the measured formula powder. Just add the powder to the water and shake. She

Probably not a great idea to associate pure sugar with health (similar to using sweets as a reward), but I would note that jimmies actually used to be medicine (basically as if gummy bears were derived from gummy candies, except used for everyone because the main purpose of jimmies was ease of measurement).

No. Toughen the fuck up and take your meds. You arent dealing with a dog and coating a pill with peanut butter. This isnt going to change the flavor of the meds (which already are hugely improved since I was a kid), and the sprinkles trick might work twice?  What about when youre out of sprinkles?  Its the same reason

From what I can tell, most Hebrew schools, as well as public schools in Israel and Germany, start around second grade. In Germany and Israel, it’s usually introduced via fairly graphic descriptions of the human experimentation, particularly that conducted on children of that age.

We purposely don’t talk about or consume holocaust media in our house because public schools where we live seem to do a really good job of covering it adequately. However, there was a much more devastating and longer lasting genocide in our own country against the Native Americans that seem to get barely covered. We

I disagree that you need to wait until sixth grade to talk about the Holocaust, especially if you’re using Number the Stars as a starting point. Third or fourth grade is totally appropriate: you just don’t need to go into the details about the death camps until middle school. Kids know what murder is—you can tell them

Where was this attitude during the heyday of the Xbox 360? Xbox Live was so toxic that I deliberately passed on any time that would be popular with kids because of the rampant racism.

When playing the MP part of Ghostbusters: The Video Game, I encountered racism once. Player joined the lobby and was auto-assigned

Keep having faith in a stock market (?) as though it were regulated properly (??), wasn’t manipulated constantly, unceasingly for the benefit of large players (???) and corresponds to actual production and labour (????), even though the wider economy is fucked though.

This is getting to the point of splitting hairs.

Used to use Roboform, and liked it just fine. But as an Information Security Analyst for a living, I’d really like them to submit to a third-party security audit as the author mentions above.

As a sexagenarian (heh, heh...) I’m enjoying all the nicely worded replies to the orig poster’s sort-of implied ageism. These days, merely being “older” is somewhat meaningless WRT familiarity with technology. I was a college student just barely after our university connected to the Internet and remember things like

If your kids reach age 3 without knowing a friend/relative/neighbour who is black, ensure that they see black and brown skin elsewhere. Read to your young kids from storybooks that aren’t all white characters, for one.

I feel that parents sometimes ignore a simple truth; by choosing to not communicate these issues with your children, you’re just allowing them to learn behaviors related to these issues from another source.