
It’s pretty confusing when it happens. I mean, awesome in a way but definitely intense. I wish your daughter the best! Big boobs are a pain but they’re fun and I hope she gets used to them. It takes a little but she will! Some girls just develop kind of overnight like that. You suddenly have to get a new posture

Baryland is the New Jersey of DC, like how Connecticut of the New Jersey of Boston (the only nice thing there is Newport (and that’s in Rhode Island!)).

Yes, they are called reindeer. Not likely to find any of those in the lower 48. And so do elk, and they are part of the deer family, and not really the deer WS is describing. And their antlers would take up the entire fucking table.

New Jersey is a fucking dump, but its one saving grace is that the Turnpike makes it as easy as humanly possible to escape the dump as fast as humanly possible. Comparing it to the BW Parkway is like comparing Acela to a horse and buggy.

Did you really just say that Maryland is no better than Jersey?

As an official White Person From Connecticut™, I can brook much of this ribbing in good humor. My tartans and cakes and mug toppers will survive this onslaught of Magaryisms. My holiday good cheer will continue apace and my cup will runneth over with nasty-ass truffle oils while I listen to the Non-specific Winter

Pokemon of unusual size? I don’t think they exist.

Gah! Seriously! It was so sad. But so perfect.

There’s a reason it was originally a double feature with My Neighbor Totoro.

How is Cowboy Bebop - not on the list? I cried at that ending.

I was having a great day and then you just had to remind me of Grave of the Fireflies

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

If she objects in the moment, she’s called unprofessional and is still pressured into doing it.

I didn’t want Maria to act her humiliation, her rage. I wanted Maria to feel, not to act, the rage and humiliation.

AND to couch this in terms of protecting public safety is complete bullshit. The state government and law enforcement have been setting up unnecessary barricades and blockades and positioning themselves across from the camp as a line of fully-geared riot police so that the press can take photos of a scene that is

“Law enforcement has requested,” huh? Fuck this. Everyone from law enforcement, the federal and state government, large corporations, and some small community businesses have acted nefariously in North Dakota. This is INEXCUSABLE. This is criminal, unethical, and inhumane. This is genocide. All of this is happening in

Genevieve: on Roadhog

I just adore how they set up this big confrontation of Taye Diggs as the cocky baddie ready to take Bale down in an epic sword clash to prove who's better...and Bale kills him in literally two seconds.