
Ahh, "experience". The universal palliative for underpaying or not paying people.

The sentence is

I haven't been able to understand the Assassin's Creed games for years now. I try them every now and again - I've played 1, 2, Brotherhood and Black Flag - but it just feels like the same game repeated ad nauseum. Even Black Flag, the so-called "reinventor" and "savior" of the series, was so clogged and bloated with

I'm black and I am offended by it

I'm not outraged, but that shit wasn't as cute or funny as Khloe thought it was.

I know that Khloe is the Kardashian people seem to like, but I can't be the only one weirded out by her black men fetish. She has gone on god knows how many radio and internet interviews talking about how she just loves black peen, and quite frankly it's off putting. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having a

Ranting? You are looking at the symptoms, not the disease, blaming social issues on tobacco and alcohol? Maybe we should all turn to the great lord above and sing his praise so that money will shower over those worthy?

I'm glad you realize you were lucky. Its rage inducing the people who think all those who don't succeed didn't try hard enough and their failure has no other factors. The commentor Metalgear386 is a perfect example of this. He's been all over the post showing off how awesome his bootstraps are...

Just as I expected, you have no idea what you are talking about. That's cool. Have a nice day.

Actually, forget it. I just saw your hilariously stereotypical and ignorant rant elsewhere in the comments. You're clearly too far gone to be talked to, so go on and have fun with your "THE POORS ARE DESTROYIN' MAH COUNTREH" rants.

It surely does. Even worse it pretends having time to spend with your kids is something everyone can afford. Their is a real financial cost to for that time. Not all workers can afford it.

The easiest way to work this out is as followed:

There's also the issue of kids seeing their parents get paid poorly for working hard. It makes no sense to me that an office cleaner is paid less than the lowliest clerical junior. I've worked on both sides, and I know it's possible for the clerical staff to goof off and be lazy and still take home their pay. Plus the

however those who do that do it not as a means for luxury but a means to cope with a large amount of stress. Admittedly part of the stress is at some point the addiction demanding more, but also because of the other difficulties of life

I dont know where you're living but my mom never drank nor smoked and we didnt have money for anything either. The "well they blew it all on smokes and booze!" excuse is an all-time favourite of those who dont want to think about how lesser fortunate have it.

Might be a good idea to avoid the implication that someone who doesn't turn out financially successful didn't have parents who cared (which your last sentence does). On top of that, there are many people for whom financial stability gives emotional and chronological room to "care," and "wouldn't" should they suddenly

While I don't agree that your future is solely dependent on money (having a parent who makes time and gives a shit is worth way more), it does an interesting job of commenting on class divisions in Japan—and beyond.

Well...the mother says there isn't even money to buy books or manga, so... And Japan has traditionally had a permanent outcast group at the bottom of the country's social structure that has suffered discrimination, so...


It is extremely important to remember the casualty between poorly paid jobs and time. As well as everything else lack of time and stress causes in social relations.

And as long as money is required for the very basics of life, money WILL be the defining factor in these situations.

While I don't agree that your future is solely dependent on money (having a parent who makes time and gives a shit is worth way more), it does an interesting job of commenting on class divisions in Japan—and beyond.