Who woulda thought something with a title like Burial at sea PART 1 would have a cliffhanger ending? Oh the humanity
Who woulda thought something with a title like Burial at sea PART 1 would have a cliffhanger ending? Oh the humanity
The PS4 has been definitely more powerful from the get-go.
Don't be such a square.
in the Original Mario Kart you collected coins to increase your speed, and hitting objects like banana peels and shells made you lose coins.
I was waiting for one of these bullshit "let the market handle it" comments to spring up, and I'm heartened to see it's been stomped into the ground by numerous posters. I've never lived anywhere where internet access wasn't mainly controlled by one company. Everything these companies do is a process to gouge…
No, I heard you: "Wahh, wahh, the beta of half the game isn't DRM-free even though I wasn't promised it!"
The ISPs are monopolies in areas. Your choice is internet by one provider or no internet at all in some cases. Those ISPs will fight tooth and nail to defend their sweet little situation and have the dollars to bribe their way to victory.
Again, take a moment to calm your breathing down, dry your eyes and understand that the final game is not done yet. You were promised the final game and the option to receive it in DRM form. When it is done, you will have it. This is a beta. A beta comes before the final game appears and, as with all games, is only a…
the way "the market" wants to handle it is by capping data, tiering service, and throttling certain sites. there is no market in terms of ISPs, just miniature monopolies.
You obviously didn't read the "rules and conditions." If you did, you would know your DRM-free copy of the game would be coming upon completion. Since the game is not yet complete, you do not have what is promised to you.
You should probably read the rules and conditions of a product before blinding paying money for a product and then complaining that the product didn't match your baseless assumptions. They don't owe you anything but what they advertised. And you got exactly that. Think.
Wouldnt this game be perfect for kinect 2?
Why'd you have to spoil last night's Conan, Tina? Thanks for nothing.
"across huge, checkpoint-free, sandbox levels."
It's not bad, I think they could have kept the touchscreen by giving it a tiny raised border to keep fingers from sliding into it from the touch-pad thumb-sticks. However, this does mean it will cost less to make, and therefore *possibly* have a cheaper MSRP.
Well, I for one hope the bamboo legions rise up and overthrow the Japanese as punishment for the senseless executions of their brothers.