
I do that too. I regretted unfriending some people when a couple years later I thought "oooh I wonder what that one's up to now... well dang."

"I'm getting the hang of this er-"
My first, first, split-second reaction was "driving malarky", a second before the same words came from the son.

Ah to be British.

I really appreciate the heart and energy of GONE HOME (especially as it contrasts with so many AAA games being made today) but I absolutely agree with most of Short's assessments here.

Yes, this game and the scenario you're describing are totally relevant to each other.

This is totally the next Portal. They're going to be bankin'.

Sold. First-person physics puzzler-platformers may be my new favourite genre of game. Thanks Portal! You inspired a genre!

Is it me or does this look like Anti-Chamber meets Alice?

so anyone here need a girlfriend?

things learned from this video:

They bought the studios and it's IP, but it's not like they had to work for Valve. Of course they were all offered jobs to join Valve after L4D released, but they went their seperate ways and with Valve's blessing they went indie with their old company name.

What is this taste!?

Dear Japan,

The last frame reminds me of The Rock.

I put mine in one of these. It's so classy.

Nintendo has stated numerous times that a Zelda game IS coming to Wii U. On top of this, both the GameCube and Wii did receive two Zelda games each. Not sure what your point is.

Nintendo explicitly stated that Wind Waker HD was meant to keep us occupied while we waited for the real wii u zelda game to come out, which means its coming. I'd wager an announcement in the spring.

I enjoyed Antichamber. Given that it was released early in the year it's been forgotten in a lot of lists. Also Monaco. I've had a ball with that game.

Kotaku hasn't mentioned anything about PSN. It's news, just as this is. They're both online services for their respective hardware.

I hope this means they sold a butt-ton of Wii U systems and Nintendo is inundated with new customers. Though, it's more likely due to a ton of new 3DS owners.