That's what they've been used for, not necessarily what they ARE for.
That's what they've been used for, not necessarily what they ARE for.
My Jirachi begs to differ. But also does it actually count as Mythic? I got it via Pokemon Box as I've never been to an event.
Absolutely man, those buttcheeks were very next-generation.
I think I can believe that after playing Antichamber, which may I remind you I haven't seen a review for :P. I played it a couple of weeks ago and by god if it wasn't the best game I'd played in ages, definitely deserves a bit more exposure Mr. Totilo!
I was about to chime in with, do you get bored of shooting in FPS games or jumping in platform games? But I think seeing as Stephen has actually played the game, he's doing a much better job of explaining XD.
Yep, he totally lied through his teeth for no reason at all. Wat? But I agree with ekesp93, his conclusion seems to make more sense.
That IS good news. But also demoing private versions of the game? Sounds all very cool. Methinks I would prefer to experience the full and finished game without any previous spoilitude though :).
Really? The lighting looks like it's pushing things quite a lot. Plus look at the trees. I think you're letting the cartoonish art style fool you, there's a lot of detail there.
Taken from Wikipedia: 'Socialism refers to an economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy. "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership, or citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of…
I agree on the capitalism front, but I don't seem to remember brand loyalty being a facet of socialism :S.
Well, he seems nice and pretty funny, it's just his flamboyant joking fell pretty awkwardly flat with the audience.
Yeah, I had the same experience. I got the window thing pretty fast though when I played it, but even when I showed and explained how it functioned to my friend multiple times, he still couldn't get it. Twas a tad frustrating, but you're right it just shows it's a thoroughly solo experience, and yeah if The Witness is…
I suppose the pre-ordering thing is mostly fair, although I like to think I'm careful. I pre-ordered Portal 2 and I'd see that as worth every penny. I also think it's a safe bet that Infinite will at LEAST be a 'good' game, especially going off the glowing previews I've read. Plus I managed to pre-order Infinite PC…
Ha, his acting was pretty funny, it has to be said. And yeah, Ono was a little too awkwardly campy XD.
Yeah, that's interesting, although it says gddr5, doesn't that mean it's graphics memory? :S
Ah, yeah I watched a friend play after and it was fascinating seeing someone flounder at the same obstacle that I now saw as a simple part of a more complex puzzle later on. But yeah, by the end you speak the same language as the game world and you know what it's up to. And I can imagine there's some kind of shortcut…
I don't think he believes he is a video game God, just that he can break out of some of the conventions and show us something different. Given what I've heard of the game, he does seem to be making good on what he says. But every developer on stage says their game is the best at something, and tells you their thought…
Hollywood strings? Well I definitely don't use that application, so that helps :P. I have no problem with any of the applications I use though (spotify, tons of Google chrome tabs, steam, dropbox always running, games are the usual suspects). More than 4gb of ram is obviously understandable for those that use memory…
Nah, looks more like a wii sensor bar to me. All it does is pick up the light on the end of the controller to track depth of movement. Exactly the same as the wiimote.
You heard what he said though, a lot of the game happens in the mind. I just finished played Antichamber, and a lot of the joy in the game is trying to figure out what you're being told by the game world, that's not something you can see from the trailer at all. Even if it's 'just' 2D puzzles (the same as a platform…