
I dunno, don't forget there's no time or money pressure when you do this in your spare time. I can see why some people would prefer to keep it as a hobby.

Too true.

Training the weaker units was great though, I played the GBA fire emblem a hell of a lot. And almost without exception the weaker units would become really powerful with training. Through secret missions and the like you could get three pegasi riders in the game, and they would do a triangle attack of together. Once

Yes, good luck to us all indeed :).

Ah, that's good to know, thanks. I'll have to give Day of the Tentacle and grim Fandango a go once I've finished with hitman absolution :D. I've heard great things about both, but I tried to play maniac mansion before day of the Tentacle and I think that put me off.

It sounded like you were satirising modern weight problems right up until you put fuck at the end :P. You sound pretty frustrated with yourself, a feeling I'm all too experienced with. I have terrible trouble with concentration and willpower and get distracted easily (I'm wondering lately whether I have ADHD) so I

OH I GET IT. Lumino City -> Luminosity. Cool video too. Was the original game Lume any good?

Heh, you're right. I love Professor Layton but 90% of the puzzles are pretty by the numbers, and as for The Cave, I played the demo the other day and god it was annoying backtracking and moving multiple characters around. It's a shame, because I was really looking forward to that game :/. I haven't played Deponia

Yeah you're right, I don't know what I was thinking XD.

Does that include yourself? Because last I heard you don't grow your own food but you still expect to be able to buy it, and that's the same thing in my book (if you're a farmer, I apologise, I like to think I'm making a good bet that you're not though :P).

I am entering this text, just so I can post the picture. I have no other words to say.

Brilliant XD. And I agree with every single goddamn word of it.

Math Blaster was awesome :D. The point about adults' failure being harder is a very good point too, and as you say it's a good reason for giving them unchallenging games first. Interestingly, my girlfriend has played through Portal, Portal 2, some of Braid, and some of the Walking Dead. Despite the fact she is now

Agree agree agree agree. So much. Why is it so hard for people to get this? In fact, my favourite games are usually creative with narrative and environment, and to me gameplay is simply the vehicle between them oftentimes. In those cases, as BioWare have quite rightly done, a story mode is a fair option. I would go

Oh jeesh, here come the elitists. Why are gamers so stuck up their own asses when it comes to difficulty? Adding an easier difficulty gives more choice, helps others play who wouldn't otherwise be able to, and does not hamper YOUR play experience if you choose a normal difficulty. Granted, games like Super Hexagon are

The last mission is pretty unmemorable, they could've played it much better. The ending is interesting but ultimately does little to honour your choices throughout the game. As long as you expect no more than that, you should be fine. The game itself is fantastic, no doubt about it :), I need to go and play it through

No way, I thought that was one of the longer games in the series :|. Like 30 hours at least.

Ah, fair enough, it's not particularly clear-cut is it.

I would say environmental storytelling counts as narrative, particularly because it's such a strong facet for games and should be celebrated.

Sounds good to me, I'll stand by those things. Loved the motion controls in Skyward Sword, so I'd love the option to be able to use them in Wind Waker. May be a lot to ask for them to design enemies to be the right difficulty with both control options though.