Yeah, I totally had that art book. While AoE3 was a tad disappointing it was heartbreaking that Microsoft dissolved them.
Yeah, I totally had that art book. While AoE3 was a tad disappointing it was heartbreaking that Microsoft dissolved them.
You sure? I swear I've played it for 2 or 3 hours and never finished it, maybe I'm just slow...
Also, with the guilt thing, my guess is that you don't really mean 'guilt' as much as you mean that you feel a responsibility to make sure that it is not a detrimental experience. Making sure that you can justify doing something you wouldn't in real life in a game, and making sure it doesn't affect how you perceive…
I know what you're getting at - when it comes to a society wide problem you can't really blame a specific thing in most cases - it's all tangled in a chaotic mess of influences. A lot of people can piss and moan all they like about 'kids today', but they're just a product of modern day life. Trying to specifically…
It seems that in starting your comment with a negative statement, people have automatically assumed you are casting negative light on the whole thrust of the article. Weird, eh? As strange as it seems, the only advice I can give is start comments with positive affirmation, then criticise. Effectively, it's the whole…
Heh, hard to believe eh?
I played that game so many damn times, and that was the single easiest way of getting through that room as you can see XD.
Okay, first off, a lot of the stuff you've just shot back at me is pretty hypocritical. Cracking out the moral relativism argument after you've also just claimed something is bad is just silly. I already take it as a given that everything is relative, but humans tend to talk within framed absolutes because otherwise…
I like this response a lot. Was about to say the same thing, especially since I am in a long distance relationship and therefore use my imagination for masturbation a lot. The mention of intimacy as a social construct is interesting, my only guess is that intimacy makes you feel safer, so could it really affect it? I…
Seriously? You are spewing absolute rubbish based off a clearly emotional reaction you've had, rather than a reasoned, rational one. I masturbate every day, and I have a lots of friends who are girls who I do not undress every time I see them at all. In fact, I have had a long distance girlfriend for four years. I…
But is it like Red Steel where the 'newness' of the technology made it seem really good, whereas a few years down the line it seems worse because the technology has been used in better ways since (I hope that makes sense). I feel like it's really fun mainly because the technology is still really fresh, and not because…
In fairness, Gabe has a very hands-off approach to Valve, his opinion isn't the be all and end all so they could still do it. Plus, he has a habit of mouthing off based on a single bad experience, he may yet change his mind anyway.
LMFAO's Party Rockin' I believe. I think that's the name anyway.
This reminds me how much more fun NSMB Wii is with other people, as long as you don't get frustrated. I tried playing the game by myself but I got bored quite weekly, I managed to get to World 8 with my girlfriend and her housemate though, we were loving it :D.
I had to read a UK government document on Health & Safety with computers for my current project. It makes a point of saying you can only overstrain and damage your eyes by trying to read the screen in poor lighting conditions or low quality images, so yes avoid this 'low light' (how come you look at the screen in low…
There have been petitions but there has been a lack of interest I'm afraid, it doesn't seem like they would make it given the small demand :/.
Agreed, especially the main theme, barnstormer and a half that.
When I went to see Radiohead they did 3 encores, it was ridiculous. The encores must've taken up a third of the whole show.
Well, I guess it was a strange thing to say in an RPG, but I think Super Mario Galaxy was much better for having a barebones story, it made it a much more pure experience, and it was a beauty to handle and play :D. So Shigeru gets a free pass this time I think :P.
Hm, okay, well I guess it's all just prediction, I could be wrong so I guess we'll see what happens!