Wow, I didn't know they went with 3D sprites. Not sure how I feel about that, the art in the DS games was beautiful. Ah well, I still have Unwound Future and Last Specter to play, that's enough 2D Layton to sate me for now.
Wow, I didn't know they went with 3D sprites. Not sure how I feel about that, the art in the DS games was beautiful. Ah well, I still have Unwound Future and Last Specter to play, that's enough 2D Layton to sate me for now.
I'm pretty sure it's morally ambiguous for the most part. It's just relationships weighed against survival. What's more important to you? You're not good or evil for wanting either more, just human.
I think the last choice is actually pretty damn important. Clementine is the voice of reason here, and at this point her voice is surprisingly powerful. I was actually really torn since I figured it was a big point for Clem. In the end I reasoned I would still survive through lack of food since I'm the main character…
I think the relationship with Kenny is really interesting yeah, he's great normally, but when he's pushed he is not a good person to have around. I'm really on the fence with him, hoping my indecision won't negatively affect anything later on.
Looks like high-res PS2 graphics. Very impressive, but still there seems to be an inverse relationship between graphics and gameplay on iOS and Anrdoid (with a few exceptions).
Oh man, I really want to see big picture mode and it's taking them forever. I'm wondering whether they're turning into an equivalent of a media centre. I.e. it runs on boot and can be completely controlled with a controller.
Kind of did. Sales mean people tend to settle for lower prices, so games will go to lower prices a lot more quickly than they used to.
That's surprising, it runs like ass on my desktop, and it's a LOT better than that. Maybe it's just an isolated case then.
Too true, she was good in that :).
Why is there so much hate? She did this better than most other people on the internet do unboxings. And she has a lot of fans, so I'm sure they'll want to see this.
Wow, this is brilliant. Although the issue of making steam more resource-light becomes more important when you need to use your programs on a variety of computers. By which I mean, I don't use Steam on low-spec computers because they wouldn't play any of my games anyway, but I would want to use productivity programs…
I don't think 'the customer is always right' is true at all. If the customer is always right, and the customer demands more and more, it gets harder and harder to do business. It's not a sustainable model, since it assumes every human is satisfied at a certain level, whereas they're not.
It's nice to see someone ditch the D&D formula. It's kind of done to death really.
That does weird me out, but I just pass it off as the usual weird Japanese culture. I can't say I understand Japanese culture at all, so it's hard to judge their art I guess.
I think it's important that anonymity is still possible, it should just be made harder. For example, if people who did not connect to a Facebook profile's comments were made less prominent, there would be incentive to identify yourself. I am aware that would be highly unpopular though.
Yeah, I think it's interesting how defensive people get about touch controls. Fine, force feedback and physical controls are better for immersion when we're talking about classic video games. But it's a case of the market adapting to new controls and bringing new games. Gameloft are lazy and copy big-budget games,…
Full 3D games are always suspicious on the App Store. The main thing is people will rate something 5 stars if it has great graphics and actually functions, regardless of how crap the gameplay and story may be. Seems most people just want a chance to show off the horsepower on their machinery. Not that you can blame…
I agree, if anything that's more nefarious that being full out assholish.
Are you anything like this in real life? Do you find it fun to make people angry who you really know?
Yeah, I see the iPad as bad value, but I love my iPod to bits. So it's tough to make a decision on where to land. I'm kind of tempted by the Microsoft Surface, it seems like it has everything and considering everyone will end up upgrading to a newer Windows system at SOME point in the future, I'm willing to bet it…