
I'm only half an hour through ao far, but I did expect the personal struggles (that's kind of what the trailer entailed I thought). I'm really enjoying it though, and it's won a lot of awards and critics loved it, so I don't know where this unanimous dislike came from that he claims is out there, I've heard quite the

Thank you. I agree 100%.

1. To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.

I'll give you that one, it is a bit of a paradox.

I don't really see the problem with um'ing and uh'ing to be honest. I don't find it annoying and I feel like it signals to the person effectively I'm trying to think of what to say. Perhaps if you are speaking publicly you want to avoid this, or in a presentation, but for anything else I don't see why not.

Frustrating, I have no access to an internet connection good enough to sustain a high upload speed for long enough to upload this stuff. I tend to find uploading at high speeds for more than 5 minutes at a time sends routers crazy. Is this just me?

I forgot to mention it has social features as well (although I don't tend to use them haha). Here's a YouTube clip of someone using it: []

Heh, it's basically a load of 'rooms' that have people in them listening to music. These 'rooms' are basically just radio stations where people vote on the next song to come up. You can create your own room, or find other people's by searching. I usually just go on the genre-based ones, like Chill-Out, Jazz or Indie

Use the Soundrop app on Spotify. Nuff said.

Have you seen all the trouble he goes to with a lot of games? This guy nails away at the engines until he gets the best quality possible, which usually takes quite a lot of modifying. Not only that, he then trawls through games and DOES find fantastic shots. He gets absolutely beautiful composition in a lot of photos.

I have got about 6 so far XD. Not very good at all, I'm just getting the classics and the few gameboy games I played right at the end of the 90s. Oh, and Breath of Fire cause that re-released on GBA. This stuff is damn good though, I guess the simplicity meant some really original, creative stuff came out of it.

I think you're exactly right. One of the most powerful ways we can change cultural thinking is by repeatedly representing women in any kind of creative media as not only equal, but flexible and contrary to expectations. I've noticed that this year, some of the biggest books in the charts have had brilliant female

I'm with most other people here. It annoys me a bunch MORE when stuff only has online multiplayer. Local is much more useful to me. To have the person physically next to you, not needing to own the game or console themselves is much easier and much more sociable IMO. Splitscreen FTW.

The Soundrop app for Spotify is a much better 'radio' than actual Spotify IMO. It has different 'rooms' with different themes of music, I absolutely love it :).

Great points, and I had a rant about this on the Gears of War article about saying 'rape'. I think more than anything that opinion piece nailed home that online FPS' with few exceptions, are only fun when you're on top. I think the most fundamental problem is that scoring a point means directly hindering a player and

Yeah, the problem was the Pikmin 3 reveal, followed by Reggie saying 'we have 24 new games to show off' set expectations WAY too high. I was hoping for another high-profile title at least, but the others were more 'casual' and NSMBU just looked the same as the Wii title, so very disappointed. So Wii U isn't a day one

What if enemies had levels, and as you increased in levels, the enemies in lower level areas just wouldn't appear? I think a system whereby you effectively only have to do a finite amount of random battles before the area is 'clear' would discourage grinding and speed up play a ton. But yeah, while I like the

With you on that, although the Miiverse seems mildly interesting. Sick of New Super Mario Bros games as well, it just looks so bland and characterless.

I feel like the kind of competition that goes on in these FPS games, where it directly penalises the other players when you score, is just a frustrating mechanic. When you couple that with strangers who have different temperaments, senses of humour and a bit of internet anonymity, well let's face it, it was never

Thanks mate, you covered everything for me. Totally agree with everything you've said :). Kickstarter is brilliant mostly because it gives the potential to fund something that never would be funded any other way. That doesn't mean it doesn't have drawbacks, but the users are the filtering system to decide what is