
You make a good point, for some reason I noticed the linked-to article was Gizmodo, but not this one. I will say Kotaku haven't been covering anything Kickstarter apart from Tim Schafer's adventure game and a ton of stuff the week they noticed Kickstarter existed.

WHAT!? There are loads of great things on Kickstarter. I'm confused, because someone can't be arsed to pick and choose the best things to post about from there they're gonna just stop promoting the funding of great, new games. That is absolutely, grade-A ridiculous.

I dunno if it's anxiety, I get it as soon as I set my phone to vibrate for like a day. It's really damn annoying, it happens all the time to me. Trouble is, sometimes it does actually vibrate, and I don't feel it. So then it makes no sense at all XD.

I read it has almost no bearing on scholastic aptitude, or even success in later life. Malcolm Gladwell covers it in his book called 'Success', and cites a study where a man vehemently tried to prove being a genius was helpful in life, by gathering all the people in the US he could find with the highest IQs. He then

While I generally dislike the use of words 'good' and 'evil' to describe things seriously, and he does seem to have deep religious undertones in what he talks about (I suppose in some ways in makes sense, it just turns me off a bit XD), he does make some awesome points. Certainly for me, the days when I am nice to

Such a great idea. Even more awesome would be if they seamlessly integrated the three games so they can be played back-to-back instead of selected from a menu. I suppose it's difficult to do, but I'm surprised no game company has ever done that before.

The console itself isn't terrible value, but I agree the supplements you have to get for a good experience tend to make it worse value than the PS3. And nothing positive? Trollz r' us.

Bit of a dickhead way of saying it for Alan there, but I am interested in the fact you use it for all of your photos. From the first time I started using Flickr (admittedly only a couple of years ago) I was led to believe it was about uploading your finest photography (in my case not that fine but still XD) and

Dis shit be true. To be honest, I feel pretty negative about the attitudes of most gamers outside of more, well, progressive gamers like the majority here. The problem is that gaming just attracts people who are nostalgic, because games simply were the same for years and years. Many people are saying that golden age

I have the music I've already downloaded or ripped from a CD, but use Spotify for everything else now. I keep stuff just in case I ever stop using Spotify, but I don't suspect that will happen to be honest.

Nah, don't suffer from any of these problems. GO ME!

Well, I'm gonna be the 'alternative' guy. Since circumventing DRM on DVD's is illegal anyway, I'd recommend you use torrents to find the films you already have. In general you'll find the converting is better quality than you can achieve unless you do tons of research, will take less time if you find a good torrent

Yeah, I think it's good for their business (Adobe) for younger kids to pirate their software, because they could never afford it legally, and they get the experience using their tools regardless. That way there's more qualified people in the world to use those tools in the workplace.

I'm with you there. When I listen to £200 headphones in the shop, the only difference I can tell between those and my £30 pair is the added bass (which a lot of people my age equate to quality because they like bassy music). But I'm glad to hear that it's mostly psychological. Just sticking to 'what sounds nice' works

Yep, I'm friends with Ron Burgundy :P.

I know this is meant to be provocative, but it doesn't work on the internet. You're meant to make the reader feel smart if you want them to be receptive. It simple does not work if you make them feel guilty and stupid. People will automatically hate the article EVEN in the rare chance they stood to learn from

I think I was tired, and read what you originally said as 'all' or 'most' XD. As it is, yeah, many atheists are bandwagoning, and you can tell they are atheists because they were told so, and not because they can think for themselves. In which case, that's the same as concept as a religion. And the added ignorance

WHAT!? That's just...Idon'teven.

Yay me, usually I look it up. I don't care about being wrong, I get to learn. Turns out it is a good philosophy, yeah. I have a friend who spouts utter bullshit whatever you ask him, I find it kind of funny because he thinks you believe he's really intelligent. Although more annoying is his nasty habit of using

I thought that for a while, although I'm tending more towards atheism now. I think the difference is I will never know for sure that a god doesn't exist, but looking at the spectrum of evidence on offer, it's quite a large unlikelihood that a god does exist. It's also quite a large unlikelihood that I'll fall through