
I once had a dream that happened. I woke up very disappointed :(. Still, it would be the kind of interesting thing they would do. And let's face it, even if it was a little disappointing, the sheer excitement of it just appearing out of the blue would negate that XD.

Are you sure? I haven't played the original mod so I could play this version unspoiled, but I'm 90% sure they re-recorded all sound for the game.

They said $10, so I think around £7. I've held off playing the mod for a couple of years to play this XD, so I'll happily be paying.

My computer will get hooked up to the TV just as soon as Big Picture Mode and the ability to boot straight into Steam arrives...

I thought that but then grandma booboo wagga wagga bling blong.

Not exactly incontrovertible proof, but thanks for posting it anyway.

Although for a long time after I installed Origin, unchecking the startup option did nothing, I had to use CCleaner to stop it from running in the end.

Well, aside from the spyware stuff, it's quite good with how you don't need to open it up to launch the game, and that any newer retail EA game will activate in it. But it's not very feature-rich compared to Steam, has high storefront prices, lacks any way of browsing or keeping track of your DLC AFAIK, and obviously

I think I agreed with a lot of stuff in that front-page article on, besides the fact it states we're not in a male-dominated world. I think we are, but that'll be why we get the blame for everything :P. Nar, the problem is people do get offended by generalisations, even when the fact you called it

By that logic I'd say most piracy is fine. I've also since bought a lot of titles I pirated under those conditions when I was younger. It shows how difficult it is to measure lost sales.

Lucrative? It's not profitable. Perhaps you mean it increases the value of the item? The Minecraft world works so well because it rewards your efforts with something in kind that you can create more enjoyment with. When the effort becomes hugely disproportional to the reward, it renders the system unfun, especially if

That was difficult to read. I certainly liked this bit:

Yes, American society does perpetuate a stereotype that women can be self-centred and demanding, and a whole host of terrible qualities. That said, a blanket statement is a blanket statement. While I'm British and my experience of America is the media (which is a lot of material in fairness), I certainly would've

There's a lot of sense in there my friend. These are guys who may have been exposed/exposed themselves to woman of the nature they are talking about, and in their rage are lumping all women into their stereotyping. But yes, it's all like-minded individuals, and you're always going to talk differently to your intended

Archer? This looks hilarious, why have I never seen it before?

That was amazing.

Tbh, just use an inventory hack to get slime into your inventory. No point in putting yourself through loads of pain and uncertainty for one item. Even diamond's pushing it for me. You spend ages getting it and then you could do a hell of a lot more with iron, and that's way easier to find.

That is what I thought when I initially heard of this :/. I live in a house with someone who F'in loves planes, along with a bunch of his friends. He likes it for its complexities and the range of things you can do. Will he play the new game if it's more limiting? Will any of his friends? I very much doubt it. It's

That is what I thought when I initially heard of this :/. I live in a house with someone who F'in loves planes, along with a bunch of his friends. He likes it for its complexities and the range of things you can do. Will he play the new game if it's more limiting? Will any of his friends? I very much doubt it. It's