
I'm definitely right there with you and think Gabe is on the money too. Apple is on the warpath, at this moment in time they have such a huge install base and reputation they could assert their dominance in nearly any tech market they wanted to (as long as it wasn't shit and was marketed true Apple-style). I mean for

Well yes, my friend turned round to me today and said he thought the Twilight Princess was at best an average game. It seems to be what expectations do to games I think, probably one of the primary reasons Nintendo only choose to disclose information on games close to launch. Still, looking past the pile of

Oh yes, best Zelda games ever. Nintendo need to make Capcom do the portable games again, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks just weren't that great compared to all the previous ones. They are being put on the 3DS store right? Might make me want a 3DS tbh.

I don't think I have sleep apnea, but I definitely have the same problem. One night out (even as a 19-year-old student) wrecks a whole week of sleep. Also, I am always late XD. Usually because I hate wasting time and so leave getting ready till the last minute, then just when I hit the time I should be leaving I

:O This looks so damned good.

I have a mouse mat right here with that on :D. My girlfriend is awesome for getting me it too XD.

Aye, I'll agree with you. I liked BF2, but the oversaturation of military shooters has turned me off them for good. The only reason for so much fanfare is the graphics as far as I can see. That's not saying it's a bad game at all, I reckon it'll be a good game in a stale franchise, it's just not really especially

Haha, the benefits of being a journalist, being able to rat out companies that treated you rough (at least ones that are vaguely related to the subject of what you're meant to be writing about) :P. All sounds a bit silly though, who on Earth could've handed this decision down?

I agree, I love that song :D. It doesn't exactly jive with the monochrome, stylistic look they're going for though XD.

Ah, some of the touches are brilliant. There's a stab at people who condemn violent video games in an eBook, I believe it's in the autopsy room at the end of the mission where you infiltrate poilce HQ. There's also a reference to Robot Wars in that a (fictional) successful businessman working in robotics got his start

It was mentioned a week ago I think or abouts, Valve said it was coming in September.

Ooh, gosh, never dealt with Zune software myself, maybe a few minutes of Googling? And it depends on who's developed the jailbreak. Jailbreak devs tend to take turns rather than redoing for every small update, so sometimes it'll be easier than other times. For example, my current one using GreenP0is0n (the name of the

I have to say I came to the same conclusion but bought an iPod Touch, far cheaper! (Although obviously has its disadvantages to the iPhone).

Totally with you on this. I am absolutely obsessed with my iPod Touch, and while it's overpriced considering how much it costs Apple to produce, it's by far and away not as expensive as equally-spec'd smartphones or the iPad (and various tablets). Coupled with a jailbreak and a host of brilliant apps, it's damn

Aye, I agree, I've attempted Myst before but it is so difficult to adjust to it not holding your hand at all. You really have no idea what to do XD. Try Machinarium, it still has challenge, charm and beautiful music, but if you get stuck there's a brilliant hint/solution system in place that makes it feel less like

Oh I agree so much, that's why I like adventure games, although there haven't been many (if any) modern re-imaginings. Oh wait! Looks like Jonathan Blow went and read my mind :D. Thank goodness :). In fact, as I peruse my list of Steam games I realise despite all the AAA titles, my favourites are Machinarium, Braid

I heartily agree with most of what he's saying. Perhaps not the difficulty - after all I like to finish my games and I do tend to suck at them. But yes, his 'I see lots of games I'd take home and play for an hour', I totally get that. I have a humongous library of games, mainly because I get excited about a game or

That's a bit...obtuse. I thought the article set it up with expectations that unnecessarily saddled it, but it nonetheless looks like a game that intends to get you emotionally invested and tied into the plot. I suppose you're free to define art as you want, but I would implore you to not look down your nose on


Yeah but, clearly dubbing over all of them would take too long so the only alternative is to offer a 'best of' compilation. What else do you suggest?