I think most of the crazies understand that these laws will only stand as long as no one actually sues or gets charged.
I think most of the crazies understand that these laws will only stand as long as no one actually sues or gets charged.
She’s been in the senate since 1992... Pelosi has been in the House since 1987.
Assuming he had the power, Cruz wouldn’t end world hunger for a blowjob... so there’s no fucking way he’d give a blowy.
Not for nothing, but this is the playbook that Russia gave them and is using to full effect in Ukraine.
Because that’s what their voters want... petulant man-children with no interest in adulting, instead favoring hyperbolic cries for attention from a world who doesn’t need them anymore.
I used to use small bits of lettuce stalk to accomplish the same thing! Lemon peel sounds like a better approach, lol.
If I drink caffeine after like 5:00PM, I will sweat like I’m running a marathon while I sleep.
God, I had someone interview about 4 months ago who spent most of the interview shitting all over his former employer before telling me he wanted X salary (it was about as much as mine, and double the local rate for his position) and to work from home.
I feel like these are meant to help a manager generate dialogue with an interviewer, to get a better sense of their personality and communication skills... but as you said, most hiring managers don’t even know what they are supposed to be looking for in a candidate, so it’s more about the hiring manager getting some…
This is the way.
While I’d love to go another round of “If you say something about my wife, I’ll fight you”, me insulting you and your wife, and you doing absolutely fuck all... but I know your song is a familiar one. It’s the internet-tough-guy anthem, and apparently the only song you know.
And you’ve not stuck to a single one of your convictions... which is probably why you’re so worried about your wife running off to find pleasure with others. If you would simply focus on being a decent human being, instead of some 1980's fantasy of what you think a man should be (see: deeply homoerotic AND homophobic).
“I cannot believe the words of someone legally authorized to lie to me. I want to speak with a lawyer.” If it’s anything more than a traffic stop.
Just want to clarify that I wouldn’t ‘hold her hair’... but if she wants to go ‘suck off’ other guys, she’s free to do so. I’m not interested in an open relationship, so I’d be single after that.
lmao, Jesus man... your life is not that dramatic or filled with violence. I don’t know who you think your fooling, but no one is buying the Liam Neeson bit your doing.
I thought you would defend your wife against all deadly words and bad feelings! That doesn’t extend to women?
His therapist is a my little pony that he talks to in the tub.
Explaining to you why your worldview and internet chest-thumping are pointless and make you look weak isn’t trolling, it’s just presenting objective reality to you.
So, Mr. Internet Toughguy... do you take the same approach when a woman insults your wife? Do you immediately wrap yourself around your insecurities (because you have no real power or control in this world) in that instance too? I’m curious, because you make no fucking sense and keep acting like words are somehow…
“If I have to wait behind you to get a shower that means I need to move on as time does not let me wait, which means the business will lose out on a 500 dollar fuel purchase.”