BIMming It

He wasn’t ill, he was in hiding during the nomination process because he doesn’t want the public doing another round of “Hey, remember how we have (at least) TWO sexual predators on the bench?”, and probably expected the leak about his wife to come out earlier in the week.

Complete agree that’s how it’s going to shake out, which means we’re just marching faster and closer to the full collapse of our democracy (which seems almost inevitable at this point).

Well all of this noise the Thomas’s have been making for the last couple weeks makes sense (along with the extreme lengths Justices and the GOP are going to in order to convince people that it’s not a political body).

Well I WAS planning on using this weekend to get the garden ready for summer... but I was graced with, and I’m not exaggerating here, the entirety of my garden being overtaken by Roma tomatoes that I planted three years ago and had to decapitate two years ago to make room for some new plants.

I love that even WHILE she’s being noisy and hostile, she can’t recognize why people think she’s noisy and hostile (and deeeeeeeply ignorant, particularly sitting across from Judge Jackson).

And was rated ‘unqualified’ by the place that Republicans ABSOLUTELY needed to hear from to see if Judge Jackson was qualified... which, of course, gave her the highest rating.

I mean, you didn’t really even criticize her in your comment... you just disagreed with some of her claims, and then told everyone that you’ve been a big fan ‘since day one’.

Texans think?

Counter-counterpoint:  The whole world is shitty... why isolate Cairo for condemnation?

To be fair maybe the intent was simply to make Wonder Woman a sexual predator, and bringing Trevor’s soul back into an unwitting body (who’s soul apparently never left?  Went away and came back?  IDK) was the easiest way to make it happen!

you’re not going to get any kind of movement on it before they gut Roe v Wade.”

Yeah, the GOP went all out with their “This black woman is going to answer for all the things I don’t like about black people”... hell, they were basically saying they wouldn’t support her because people they don’t like, who she has no association or affiliation with, also support her.

Biden and Democrats are going to be under a LOT of pressure to do something.”

Are we talking about sacrificing goats, or his day job?

The clock isn’t ticking on their hold of the court; The clock is ticking on the people’s support of the Court as an institution... which is more of a march to the collapse of our democracy (which seems to be their intent).

Are conservatives really THAT concerned that their kids won’t grow up to be racists that they need to erase our own history?

Coachella could do a 3-day performance from Sugar Ray and still sell out in the first hour... yes, people love the music, but that’s not really why they go. They go to get fucked up and act stupid while suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration.

Josh Hawley, like many elected officials on the right, is not a serious person and is not interested in the opinions of his detractors... we’d be wise to stop talking about him entirely, while continuing to combat the misinformation he spreads.

So what he’s saying is that he’d be fine if California started selling whites as slaves, and taxing people for racist language... because who needs a Constitution holding you back, and a governing body to determine the interpretation of that document, when you can instead have anarchy and almost assuredly a second

If they weren’t willing to unanimously say “We can’t confirm this sister wife to the Supreme Court because it will break the faith of the American people in this institution to see it so plainly partisan with conservatives stacking the court” during the sister wife confirmation... they aren’t going to do anything now.