*visible confusion*
*visible confusion*
Understood, I just don’t see how you convince people who are fundamentally opposed to you out of principle or religious dogma... which is driven by their political party... to approach the topic any differently. I agree with the sentiment, and it’s clear that we’re not moving the needle with the current approach, but…
So you admit that Republicans are on-board with forcing women to carry rape-babies. Thanks for clarifying your position... you’re pro-rape babies because it doesn’t happen very often in comparison to non-rape abortions.
“Once a woman becomes pregnant it is not just her body”
I think they are referring to border towns on the Mexico side... where you wouldn’t need a prescription, just cross the border and take the pill before you return.
Nope, but it’s a good way to out yourself as a callous racist! You know your argument is weak when you start reaching for racism or nazi metaphors, lol.
“Maybe the anti-abortion crowd is more woke”
By this logic, you can’t perform an amputation or biopsy because you would be killing human cells (the horror!).
“So, you want us to respect the convictions of the pro-murder people and it is murder”
“I don’t think that completely dismissing pro-lifers’ views gets us any closer to resolution, no matter how unpalatable they may be.”
It’s oddly phrased, for sure. It’s a $5k bet for each of them, with a $10k purse to the winner.
I don’t think they need S.C. approval anymore, as they lifted those restrictions a few years back. Apparently getting caught trying to cheat 1000 times since they were put under permanent review earned them some credibility to blaze their own trail going forward.
This is why I (mostly) affectionately started calling him ‘dirt ball McNabb’ because every 4th pass went 5 yards out and straight into the dirt at like 100mph... while his receiver is open and wondering what the fuck they did to piss him off.
“Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them”
I think we can say, conclusively, that the Democrats are not on the high road... they’re just terrified of conflict to the point that they allow their own subjugation even while they have majority control of both houses as well as the executive.
This is, honestly, a really good analogy. They are fighting like hell to protect Santa and the Easter Bunny at the expense of actual, living, tangible people.
God, I hope he sues the district and leaves the motherfuckers without a school to worry about anymore.
“Am I going out on a limb to suggest that CRT is designed to form the foundation for a major upheaval”
When you’re a raging narcissist who has lost all semblance of objective reality while being enabled by everyone around you? Probably pretty hard.