BIMming It

I was more referring to long winters, humid summers, or experiencing rain for half of the year.

Living in southern California has blessed me with both! lol

If you’ve ever come home after a long day of work feeling exhausted, in spite of the fact that all you did was sit at a desk all day, that’s due to mental exhaustion.”

For a person claiming that he wants to attract women, it’s odd that his entire schtick is performative toxic masculinity... which is exclusively done to attract the attention of other (shitty) men.

I honestly do not understand how Ron DeVirus and Abbott and other GOP governors who are aligned with this idiocy are not currently being removed from office.”

There is no leadership in the GOP anymore, which is part of their problem... the other part is that they are a death cult filled with racists, bigots, charlatans and nazis.

“I will tell you, as much as I am willing to defend our liberty at all costs, there is nothing that I would dread doing more than having to pick up arms against a fellow American,”

I would very much appreciate never knowing who his family is, so giving them privacy isn’t an issue.  That said, I will drag this mans name until I die... which is probably what they’re actually asking people to avoid.  If you were happy to talk shit your whole life, I don’t see a problem with your detractors talking

“We had the ability to do that give and take,” Chitwood said. “You don’t have to agree with everything a person says for them to be your friend. I don’t think a lot of people get that.”

Absolutely, it’s just seeing the low-water mark so fucking low is still a bit shocking.

Texas knows that they live and die by the oil, which is why they aggressively push back against any climate change discussions, fuel efficiency standards, or green energy production/research/discussion.

I mean, significant height and size advantages be damned, he is putting the paws on any and everyone who signs on the dotted line.”

What are you even talking about?

It definitely feels exploitative, both in retreading bullshit conspiracy theories, and trying to capitalize on the 20th anniversary of an extremely traumatic event for most Americans.

There are so many other places than Steam to find reviews of new games.  You are very obviously being obtuse about this to try to save face.

Yeah, Super Mario Bros. probably had several hundred hours of playtime in my household when I was young... and I still remember beating the entire game in under like 10 minutes when I was 8.  Played it a lot more after that too!

This. If you aren’t worried about taking the risk on (checks steam) NINE whole dollars for a game... buy it blind and accept what you got.

This person is trying to rally public support for being a shitty consumer, and expecting refunds when someone’s product isn’t built to their specific tastes.  They are being dragged in a few comment threads on this article, and I can’t imagine what kind of response they expected.

people; that buy blind and discovering it’s a short game with low replay value, have a right to ask for a refund.”

A judge ordered the Fort Jackson instructor to either spend 30 days in jail for the misdemeanor charge or pay a $1,087 fine, according to CNN.”