
Of course non-secular government is bad. How many non-secular governments are there, though? And what religion do they follow?

however, you are very stupid if you believe that it actually has to do with the nature of Islam as opposed to political reasons.

She’s so gross.

Does he hate Muslims or does he hate Islam?

Pointing out that Muslim states (with the exception of the handful of secular ones like Turkey) have Medieval penal codes that do not conform to international human rights norms, and which call for execution for things like blasphemy and apostasy is apparently ‘islamophobic’.

All religious texts have awful, patriarchal, violent, oppressive bullshit in them - but the major difference is, since the Enlightenment in the West, Christianity no longer has direct control over the lives of citizens because we’ve separated law from religion. While Islam was the force of progressive values, wisdom

Here’s the charmer last year when he said this of Islam: “It’s the only religion that acts like the mafia that will fucking kill you if you say the wrong thing.”

I have a problem with the notion of ‘group experience’ or with people speaking on behalf of a group. But this post of yours is very reasonable. I will add the caveat that nobody’s viewpoint should be the “last word” because there is no Truth when it comes to these issues.

It’s more along the lines of, as a white person, I personally do not want to speak for other people I don’t represent.

Then she should be applauded.

Whhhhuuuut? Really?

Oh, sorry for misinterpreting your message! And thanks, I have four weeks to prepare and I am rather nervous :o)

Yeah, I didn’t mean it was just women who were given this advice - we were all told the panel like seeing people really take in and consider their criticisms.

No bitch, I’m the attorney.

I’m a PhD student about to undergo a halfway point progress review and we’ve all been told to make a big show of ‘thinking about what the examiners are saying’ (e.g. act as though you’re really churning it over in your head) during the panel.

I find all blood, saliva and other bodily secretions utterly repulsive, no matter where they come from. The only bodily secretion that doesn't make me pull a dookie face are tears. If someone had a gash on their leg and the blood got on me, I would be upset. If a female friend menstruated on me, I would be upset.

I don't understand how people think it would be possible, even with the best will in the world for an institution like the Catholic Church to undergo the revolution they want it to undergo. Change will be gradual. But he's marginalising ultra-conservative bishops. He's made a speech where he chastised the

It's an archaic institution that can't undergo revolution. Yeah, he's not an intersectional, sex-positive feminist, but in the context in which he operates, he is definitely a reformer - and I would much rather have him at the helm than either of the last two popes.

She is an extremely authoritarian leader.

Yesssss! I would have been jealous of your handkerchief top! It's definitely in my Top 5 90s haute couture apparel, along with purple lipstick, velvet/lace chokers and hair mascara (although I don't know if that existed in the USA).