
CANDY RAVERS!! God, I hated them.

I went cycling while wearing baggy JNCO jeans and the entire leg got caught in the chains and ripped from ankle to just above the knee.

Handkerchief top? Or neon raver crop-top?

I used to love my gigantic JNCO jeans! I used to go the US every summer, go to a JC Penny (or a Sears if I was feeling fancy) in Tampa Bay, Florida and stock the fuck up on gigantic denim pantaloons.

I get her and Kate Beckinsale mixed up. They're both so booooorrrrring...zzzzzzz.

Our rating system includes 15 and 18 for what would be R rated movies in the US. Things don't tend to have to get edited in order to achieve an 18 rating, unless it features extreme sexual violence.

Unless Nomi Malone appears and dances for 60 minutes, I won't be seeing this shit.

Bitch needs a moisturising treatment that dried out, tortured lump of straw on her head! Either that or the fire services permanently by her side for when it eventually catches fire.

I didn't say that "nobody should be allowed to extrapolate broader themes from a piece of art". Its just that this song is so specific. This song is about lynching. Period. The subject is an often glossed-over part of our history, and this song speaks honestly about it. If she wanted to talk about broader themes of

I agree with much of what you said about him, but I really don't think he hates Muslims. He certainly hates Islam, along with (seemingly) with all religion.

Didn't Beyonce front a cosmetics campaign? Isn't she just as guilty of feeding into the beauty industry and the oppressive standards women are held to?

I want you and everyone else to speak for themselves and not make broad statements like, "twerking isn't feminism". I thought that was clear, but apparently that sounds crazy.

It's picked a flaw in your philosophy, that you're apparently unable to answer.

So you do want everyone to go around adding the words "in my opinion" to the beginning of every sentence! That is, frankly, insane. Why not take the logical, common sense route and assume everyone is expressing an opinion when they - er - express an opinion, and only take them to task if they add "I speak on behalf

But ultimately you agree that statements and actions can be incongruous with a stipulated political ideology, correct? That me proclaiming to be left-wing, but thinking the poor are parasites and venerating the wealthy, is incongruous, right? Or do you think 'leftism means different things to different people, as

So white people aren't the dominate group over POC? Cis straight people aren't the dominate group over LGBT people? Men aren't the dominate group over women?

I find this baffling. Everyone should accept everything everyone does as long as they slap the label 'feminist' on it?

Of course Lennox gets to decide what's feminism in her view. Just because she didn't qualify her statement with "IN MY OPINION", it doesn't mean she's decided she's the Queen of Feminism. That's a ridiculous notion. In her opinion twerking isn't a feminism. In her opinion what Beyonce does on stage is utterly

It's something that straight people need to think about and consider, at least. If someone told me that I was being homophobic, I wouldn't simply roll my eyes and dismiss what they say because I "decided" that what I said or did wasn't homophobic.

I believe characterising one group as "oppressive, dominant" and the other "oppressed, marginalised" is so incredibly simplistic and divorced from reality. Such a unidirectional, simplistic binary in no ways captures the fluid, contingent, dynamic relations between people as individuals. When I speak to a