
I'm moist.

Does the House of Reps tend to be filled with lunatics, whereas the Senate tends to be more experienced and reasonable, even when it comes to the Republicans? [I ask because I'm English and not overly familiar with the structure of the US gvt or the efficacy of its institutions]

We have elections in May. It wouldn't surprise me if the number of female MPs takes a tumble.

I completely agree.

I love Rachel!

Holy hell, you're slightly worse than us (I'm in the UK). We have 23% female MPs in the House of Commons.

It's clearly sexist, but as you point out, it wasn't aggressive and the reporter wasn't intentionally being a dildo, so I guess Serena has more important things to worry about.

What percentage of House reps are women?

I hate that Jade was so good at twirling, that bitch.

I believe you meant to say, "The Greeks are outraged by this highly offensive cultural appropriation".

Your siege mentality, authoritarianism and fundamentalism is really something to behold. "There is the only one interpretation"? By Lennox singing this song, she's trying to "legitimise it" with her whiteness? Nobody should be allowed to extrapolate broader themes from a piece of art?

But it was written by a white, Jewish man. I find your outlook to be incredibly counter-productive and divisive. I'm assuming you're American (so apologies if not), but the way Americans discuss issues related to race and sexuality is, in my eyes, utterly insane. There is so little room for nuance and subtlety. I

Americans get angry when non-Americans don't know their history, yet display a staggering ignorance about profound events in history around the world (e.g. the British civil rights movements, IRA bombings and terrorism in the UK, etc etc).

Or to put in another way - I'm a lesbian. The idea that straight people must unquestioningly accept any and all accusations of homophobia from everyone is laughable. Some people are hypersensitive and take umbrage at things that really aren't - as far as I'm concerned - homophobic. There is no reason why all

P.S. Don't all feminists - whether it be liberal feminism, radfem, Marxist feminist, black feminism bla bla bla - tend to chide each other for not abiding by each other's precepts?

Yes, the link proves my point because the author states that BEYONCE IS A FEMINIST.

Wow, so every single accusation of racism must be unquestioningly be accepted? No rational thought can be applied to see whether the accusation is spurious? That is an extremist, insane perspective.

Or old singer chides younger for being overly sexual?

Yet the author agrees... dun dun dun ... that "twerking isn't feminism" and that "others, like myself and Annie Lennox, have the right to disagree with Beyonce's feminist interpretation". So no, the link does not prove your point at all, and your insistence that she 'blew a dog whistle' is, frankly, insane.

You were the one who implied Lennox was racist when you said: