
Or maybe she believes that you cannot separate what Beyonce does on stage or in a video from who she is, and that her trite brand of image-based feminism is as vacuous and hollow as she comes across in interviews? And what the heck is 'diminishing her humanity'? You mean disagreeing with what she does? Criticising

Old Scottish woman has different understanding of feminism than young American woman, shock horror.

The full quote from her is:

Another commentator has suggested that she - as a white, Scottish woman - has no business singing this song. It is...crazy, quite honestly.

The equivalent, if you read what she said, would be if an American band covered "Sunday Bloody Sunday" and spoke about extremism and violence in general. And guess what, that would be totally fine! And amazing that the song has sparked people who were unconnected to this terrible event, but who were able to pull

Isn't it better to A) listen to their accusation, B) judge the merits of the accusation and self-reflect, and C) make your own decision? Rather than just unquestioningly accept any and all accusations of racism and bigotry?

But how can you 'take over' art? I just don't understand how someone's interpretation 'takes over' anything, if all they're doing is looking at the broader issues raised by a piece of art (such as racism, bigotry, hatred).

I'm afraid that's too sensible an answer; needs 80% more outrage and 100% less nuance.

That's not how online social justice works; you're meant to fervently attack people that are generally on the correct side as if they are the reincarnation of Hitler himself.

Michael Gove and wife Sarah Vine are a pair of god-awful, shrieking, right-wing harridans. He, in particular, seems to have the anti-Midas touch; everything he touch turns to shit.

Internet denizens overreacting in a disproportionate manner!? Say it ain't so ;-)

Internet pile-ons also tend to snowball, becoming ever-more disproportionate to whatever issue they are addressed, until they reach a hysterical, frenzied crescendo that just makes everyone involved look terrible. See: Dr Matt Taylor and his somewhat distasteful shirt.

We also had a lesbian (!) interracial (!!) couple in the early-to-mid 1990s (!!!) on Eastenders, a primetime soap on BBC1.

Britain did have a civil rights movement!

What we disagree with seems to be your inability to recognize that America TRIES to do it as cleanly as possible and puts actual science and money into it.

There's the Oxford Bullingdon Club that does things like go to formal dinners at restaurants, then totally destroy the place and write the owner a cheque (because money solves everything!).

Again, you're highlighting the barbarism of the American penal system rather than highlighting barbarism in penal systems per se. The conditions in some US prisoners are so harsh, and so terrible that I am fairly certain they violate international standards. Locking people up in solitary confinement for several

It is not racism. Some things are fucking barbaric. Swinging a sword into someone's throat, often repeatedly, to behead them is barbaric. If the USA did that behind closed doors, it wouldn't make a difference.

Stop conflating 'American' and 'Western'. The rest of the Western world isn't as barbaric as the United States OR Saudi Arabia. The USA is the only Western state that still carries out capital punishment. The rest of us take it for the barbarism that it truly is.

Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever see eye-to-eye on this topic. Why not just meet people and make friends the way you do in real life, organically, and have social contact with and support from them? It's not like Americans are particularly needy or weak compared to the rest of the the world. I just don't get