
THIS. When I was younger, still living at home with my conservative parents, I took a political science class at the local college. We had weekly debates, and for the reproductive rights debate, I took the anti-abortion side, because that’s what I believed. The professor asked if I thought abortion was murder and

jia, want to thank you for writing this. i am not a mom, have never been pregnant, but was moved to tears by your words and the way you spoke with elizabeth. this story is so important,and i’m glad you were the one writing this. thank you.

I just want to highlight this passage for anyone who skims or just jumps to the comments. Because truer words.

How was this misleading? She did indeed have a 32 week abortion. The difference is that her baby was not viable and she had to go through the rest of that before she had what is an abortion.

Methinks the point has flown right over your wee head.

fuck off

Every NRA member, gun lobbyist, gun nut, and cowardly politician who refuses to support an outright gun ban (or at the very least, heavy restrictions) should be forced to look this poor woman in the eye and try to explain to her why the “right” to bear assault weapons is more important than her son’s life. Jesus.

I so badly wanted her to receive good news after the agony of being kept in suspense for so long. Having to wait nearly a whole day to have your worst fears being confirmed seems worse than knowing the truth immediately.

Fuck. I hate this so much. It just didn’t have to happen.

Oh god. I can't even imagine what she must be going through. I'm not even religious but I will say a prayer for her tonight.

The terrible awful thing is, if her son is not dead it means someone elses is. And I cried just typing that sentence.

Honestly, more people (especially those who are against any gun control) need to watch things like this. We have all become almost numb to these shootings and they need to see the consequences of their actions.

I’m a gay man and I lost my fiancee to a brutal car accident just days ago. I’m still in shock and my grieving process is going through all sorts of motions. Sudden death is the worst heartbreak. I feel for the victims and their families and friends.

Please please please let this woman hug her son again. Oh my god, I really have no words.

I want so much for her son to be okay.

I just keep thinking about this mother who hasn’t heard anything about her son. I want to believe the son is okay but I’m not feeling optimistic.…

Sweet Jesus - if not for the Pennsylvania, I was certain this letter was from my wife. The only difference is that her niece is only 19.

I love this place. I’ve been here for years and I intend to be here no matter what happens. This whole thing just makes me ill. I feel legitimately nauseous.