
Someone commented on another post:

*please pull through*


He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But

Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.

Now playing

How about this video of him refusing to answer a question about gag orders on rape crisis counselors.

Zulily is owned by QVC. I’ve bought from them many times. Quality is iffy, but I’ve had no problems with returns for any reason. I just returned a pair of pants that were too big (yay!) yesterday.

They’re legit, but the way they save money is they don’t accept returns, which I did not find in the fine print when I ordered some shoes. I asked about returning the shoes, was told they didn’t do returns, but would make an exception for me.

They are a real company, I’ve ordered a few things from there. You have to be careful though because you can’t return lots of their clothing items, which is a pain. Items usually say no returns in the product info though, they don’t try to hide the policy.

Well, my friends, I have some news.

I’ll tell you what you’re missing: Religious organizations do not get to make the laws.

You cannot be serious.

I feel so weird when the NFL does something right for a change.

Forever 21 and drunk Taco Bell were made for each other.

You do understand that the natives they are replacing demographically are are the poorest and lowest educated (white) Americans, right? It’s not like the “illegals” are moving into mansions and taking over CEO jobs.

There is no evidence that being illegal means that they are also involved in narcotics or any other crime than simply being here. I know many many people who do not have legal status here in the US and they are hands down the hardest working group of people I have ever met and the are also some of the warmest and

Wow, that took a really... unnecessary turn. My train of thought stems from whenever a teenager disappears before the parent ends up dead, many times they have something to do with it. But I guess I hadn’t considered “Drumpf” logic so I guess there you are...Blame illegals I guess...74% of the population has been

My guess

Yup. 8/10 would nurse him back to good health.

“Our customers are young. There are also quite a few bars and restaurants along the boulevard,” Pouzol continued. “When we see them during the day they tell us, ‘Last night, I bought this or that and it was really helpful.’