
Jesus, seriously. He fucking ruined her life. I can’t fathom how a teenaged girl could ever recover from having this done to her. Fuck him. May he never have another peaceful moment in his pathetic life. Fuck him. Fuck. Him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.

If I were this girl’s mother I would be seriously tempted to give up years of my life in prison just to brutally murder this man.

I personally would only count consensual encounters.

4 almost 5...

I think Oliveria’s probably an opportunist with ulterior motives, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something creepy going on with Simmons. If everything was totes fine, Simmons could put this all to bed by spending five minutes on the phone. The fact he didn't gave me pause.

Whatever is going on I want him to be ok. He's like human sunshine.

Okay. This guy is saying that Simmons’ maid is an evil witch holding him hostage in his house. Or Simmons has suffered from some breakdown and is cutting off contact from friends and family. Whatever is going on it doesn’t sound good. I hope he is okay and that he is just taking a break.

I’m not even ashamed to admit I still use his Sweatin’ to the Oldies tapes. Well, DVDs now. Please be okay, Richard. You are the only person who ever made me feel like I wasn’t an exercise failure.

This makes me sad. I hope he is alright and he’s not being held captive.. by those people or his personal psychological issues or depression. I have a lot of questions for that Oliveira dude, though.

Now playing

she has pipes, thats all i am going to say.

I’m so sorry Maurice. Your life mattered young man.

My grandfather owns a couple of rifles that he uses for hunting (which I hate but whatever) but he always keeps his guns in a safe. Even though all the grandchildren are adults, he still keeps it in a fucking safe. Because that is the logical thing to do, since it is a fucking gun. He’s also a Jon Stewart loving man

“Ted Cruz? An inspiration to every kid in America who worries that he’ll never be able to run for president because nobody likes him. He’s running. And look, I told Barack, if you really, really want to remake the Supreme Court, nominate Cruz. Before you know it, you’ll have eight vacancies.”

And look, I told Barack, if you really, really want to remake the Supreme Court, nominate Cruz. Before you know it, you’ll have eight vacancies.

Well said.

For all the hate, vitriol, subtle and overt racism that was aimed at this man over the last eight years, did he not handle it with uncommon grace and dignity? I never asked President Obama to be a perfect President, such a thing is an impossibility. But he played the long game, never panicked, never showed fluster,

As great as "Senior Year" Obama is, I love "Dad" Obama the most