
Fun fact: more people in NZ signed a petition to fire her than have bought her last album.

YOU GUYS I want an actual Muslim president so bad. It doesn't even matter where he or she stands on the issues; it would be worth it just to watch these morons cry and shit themselves.

Rarely do I think someone should get the Lisbeth Salander "I AM A SADISTIC PIG, A PERVERT, AND A RAPIST" treatment, but this is one of those occasions.

theoretically, I don't believe in torture or the death penalty but reading this I just don't know what to think. Gang raping a 70 year old nun. What the fuck? Can we just tear these guys limb from limb?

This is something I definitely struggle with: feeling like a fake.

I have found confidence to be a "FITYMI" strategy. If you can get through the blushing, ignore the trembling voice and hands, and get your message across - doing it enough with make all of that go away and leave you a sharper, more outgoing person.

This is incredible. And the part that breaks my heart is that a lot of people I know, including about half of my family, will never even watch this, or if they do, they will outright refuse to see any value in it. Fox News is a hell of a drug.

I sell swimwear for a living, if you want to get at those low cut swimsuits and want to avoide slippage: allow me to introduce LENNY!!!

I don't know how much of a douche Tyler is beyond complaining about a lack of parties in a dorm, but I get the sense that the guy that wrote this e-mail is way douchier.

Am going to make my photos look worse so that folks are more impressed by me when we meet in person. Also going to say I'm older than I actually am.

Oh, and

I'm much, much, much more concerned with our bloated military budget than I'll ever be with social program fraud.

For fuck's sake. It's none of your goddamn business!!!!! You're not the sole taxpayer contributing to these programs! If a parent wants to get their kid actual Cheerios instead of fucking CardboardCircleO's or whatever the generic shit is so they can feel like they're a fucking human being worthy of quality products

Cigarettes are $25 a carton = dude has not been out of the house in over 15 years

steinway grand and the casio kid

don't fight it. you won't win.

Your potty training was obviously traumatic.