
Movie fans who want to see the films on the big screen.

So Sawert opened the building, are you saying that action WAS legal and it WAS legal for them then to trash the building? Because otherwise, what TheBlaze reported was correct.

A FAA guideline is not a law but a request that can or cannot be enforced based on the pilot in command in the aircraft along with the crew. The pilot in command has final say for any flight in which he feels a passenger may compromise the security of the flight. Should the PIC be unreasonable, the airline company may

I would just like to say as a spokesperson that is needed for the evil characters out there, that they are just terribly mis-understood, labelled and a product of their society. Ergo, all of society must be evil and therefore all creatures great and low are really super good or bad, purely depending on your mentality

My mama taught me if you want to stand in front of a moving vehicle, it’s because you want to be killed. This just kinda re-enforces that. Don’t play in the street unless you have a death wish.

If you look at that clip of the journalist getting hit, it’s a small diameter object with what looks like a scope to a police officer. Since several people were arrested with firearms, I assume he thought from the corner out that it could be a weapon pointed out and he went to neutralize the “potential” armed person.

Tesla notes you must still be aware and drive the car if needed.

You do know in the greatest mind bleep, Trump; quoted Obama from the racial protest under Obama’s administration DON’T YOU???

Apollo was first and foremost a political statement that the US was technologically superior to Russia. In fact, after the US beat Russia to the moon, Russia entirely dropped it’s manned mission plan to the moon. It was not about science so much as proving that the free world was better to win such a feat.

The videos show an experimental program of the Navy. The F-18's were vectored in to the area to their reaction and test the ability of these craft. The Navy never meant for these videos to become public and now can neither confirm or deny what they caught on film that has been released to the public. The program was

There were several issues which contributed to a “flawed” final design of the space shuttle.

Great, first they don’t want pollution and now they do... The ecology guys have to make up their minds...

States are responsible for their individual reaction and stockpiles. This is so one state cannot fiscally drag down others or do nothing complaining for another state or the Federal government to fulfill their needs. Otherwise, a state could sit back and just demand supplies while not paying for such out of their own

I would jump on this price point to see it this year.

To note, President Trump did NOT hallow out programs. The Tactical task force for pandemics was NEVER eliminated. Their budget was the same in the past, No raise budget ( which in Washington swamp speech means it was cut). As well they have maintained the task force throughout this administration. There were some

Traditionally, every president has had a dedicated pastoral advisor, with the exception of President Obama. He did start off with one but the pastor had some very “controversial blessing” to Americans. On Paula White: Paula Michelle White-Cain is an American pastor, author, televangelist and exponent of prosperity

The speach was clearly read by Trump and written by handlers in the administration. He looked pretty stiff during the whole time. I think they popped something together quickly and will react to it as fast as the public will honestly. Not the best way to handle it, but there is no good way to handle it at this point.

FantastiCon is planning to go forward this weekend in Toledo.  Quite a few charities benefit from these events as well. 

First thing I thought of as a plot was parasite drag. The smoother the surface, the better the air flow. There have been studies on dimpling the metal, much like a golf ball to change drag, as well surface holes that pump out air to change airflow. But the best manner for the most part is making a surface as smooth as