
Soooo.... first off, you are having an ever increasing number of air travelers. So you either cut back that number and decide who can and cannot fly or... you use the credit system which really does not do a darn thing as it cuts back post industrial national pollution to allow pre-industrial nations to catch up.

The choice between a guy who semi has Alzheimers or a past admitted card carrying communist now “strong socialist”. Either way, not looking good for the democrats.

Unfortunately, China IS well know for their Intellectual Property thefts in the US industry, IP journals every month document thefts from China and you see the resulting products coming out of China with exact duplication. This is a very real theft and those who do not take it seriously are paying a price everyday in

Aborigines in the areas for hundreds of years have cleared brush as part of their traditional land management. New environmentalist laws passed by decreed experts did not allow for such clearing which lead to the major fires. Never in the history had there been fires like this due to past naturalist works. Now, we see

PETA just announce they want to use artificial intelligence instead of using groundhogs. Those groundhogs, according to PETA, who are treated much much better than groundhogs in the wild are being abused touted each year for their intelligence to predict the weather. Maybe PETA needs to use AI as their AR, (Actual

I kind of had to laugh at the though that Christianity cannot be part of such a concept as God is specifically noted as being not part of this world and Christ and other angelic being descending to this world. Sounds absolutely like Christianity molds to ET life. As for the thought noted that Christ saves only humans,

Wow, did not know Trump designs logos for the USAF now and it’s all his fault. Plus you know, the USAF has been using similar logo’s since the 1950's. So really a non story and hit piece against Trump for something silly, a history of things like this since he has been in office.

OMG, can you imagine a workplace making you actually go to work? How DARE they! And then making them listen to other opinions and not just their own, who would believe? Oh Gosh, and reversing the most extreme laws that were just put into place in the last most extremist administration, HOW IN THE HECK can an

Sounded quite nasally, kind of a Bostonian accent.  

As a kid, I raked lawns, mowed lawns, shoveled snow, help deliver newspapers... I would have loved being able to help recycle glass by collecting and turning it in for money. I hope there are still kids out there who are just as industrious and would look at such as an opportunity.  

So you have an indigenous people that did properly mange the lands, which included past burn offs, but now due to educated environmentalist coming in, demanded that that did not take place, leading to high brush counts that allowed to fuel these fires. Amazing how modern ecologist constantly screw up landscapes.

The FAA rules are convoluted and make it hard for a trained and licensed pilot to know what to do legally. More over, the rules are draconian and this includes that fact that any commercial use does not allow for flights in controlled airspace, no flights at night, no flights over people or roads and other conditions

OMG,any building on fire is fueling climate change! Any campfire, farts, you heating the building you are working in, just typing these articles, heck you as a living being are causing climate change! Shame on you.

3 years of investigations on trump and 400 million dollars later, they found NOTHING on Trump. On this matter, the “Main Witness” was called off by Schiff after Trump released the transcript of the call, on the second day. After this blew up and proved again, NOTHING argued by the democrats. All their witnesses call

If you push for zero emissions, corporations will be unable to absorb the cost and you will loose Tens if not hundreds of millions in jobs and drive up both utility and product cost. THAT is the reality of corporate business and if you push the government into such, you get even higher cost with the inefficiency and

Cool, so sunken ship leaching oil, as well cargo ships, beach side pollution, large city garbage dumping and third world ocean dumping, along with environmental disasters like Tsunami’s washing debris out and Japans last big disaster with nuclear leaching have nothing to do with it. Just 8 companies we can climb all

Can ANYONE tell me exactly what we have ACTUALLY done to help climate change? Because the world wide Climate organizations have INCREASED allowable pollution in third world nations while trying to cut back the minuscule number of pollution causing plants in Europe and the US. There have been HUGE TAXES and bureaucracy

Had the same issue with our regular washer. There is always some water that pools in a washing machine. Use Lysol Laundry Sanitizer with any load of wash and the smell goes away. Well worth using to keep a washer from building up such bacteria.  

Same thing happening with the Chive website. You can read about their battle on their website, Facebook and Google have teamed up to censor sites if they expose any issues with censorship. They also attack their web advertisement, Gizmodo is taking a huge risk posting this story, good for them.

Cool, Climate scientist faking their results win in the end because the people that want to ignore the facts they were cheating just turn their heads away and ignore such. See how easy it is to win?