Ben Rich in the book “Skunkworks”, did note that they did have access to the CIA’s IBM computer for design on the engine flow computations. For everything else, they used slide rules for the blackbirds design.
Ben Rich in the book “Skunkworks”, did note that they did have access to the CIA’s IBM computer for design on the engine flow computations. For everything else, they used slide rules for the blackbirds design.
Not confusing at all if you read biblical prophecy or read which lays out the entire conflict from the middle eastern view point. Turkey is fighting to establish the Ottoman Empire again with Erdagon as the head. They feel that Russia right now is getting in the way of that goal as Syria must fall to…
You do realize Turkey has violated Greece’s airspace continually including engaging in non firing dog fights? Right, 2,244 last year alone.
Hmmm.... Indiscriminate bombing on those celebrating our deaths or not indiscriminate bombing of terrorist attacks killing supportive Islamic extremist “innocent” civilians so they can kill us..... uh... I pick the first one.
Interesting that no one here is asking why the Navy would do such a “test” launch so publicly and over one of the most populated areas.
And just to note, other than the bully technique and making false accusations, you have not addressed ANY of the points made above or the actions taken by this administration that make my points solid. Seems when confronted with reality and truths you don’t want to know, you blindly turn to the liberal tactics noted.
Two? Looking in the mirror there?
BS, You cannot otherwise explain all the damage Obama has done in the middle east so you pull the racist card crap. Either he is the MOST inept president or he has a strategy that greatly against US interest. No one is THAT stupid ignorant to have done what this administration has.
ISIS is a huge arm of Turkey. The Russians have been taking out the Islamist extremist and trying to help the Christians, of which Turkey has actively along with Obama’s help trying to kill.
Except in the last two middle east wars, visual confirmation of the opposing aircraft was required before allied forces could engage. Frankly, those rules will be enforced for all multi nation engagements. The only time you will see BVR is a large scale battle scenario in a large scale war. Which is unlikely unless…
So, I will post with references to back up my post and they get deleted away but they let this piece of shit’s post to remain...
The F-35 has issues with the guns that cannot be fixed until as early as 2018. No Guns. The missile system won’t be ready until 2022 or 2023 at the earliest. No missiles. There are currently 61 unsolved issues with the engine, some that can cause catastrophic failure with no short term fixes ready. The life support…
The war would be over before we could get a line running again. It is a highly complex machine. More than likely in that scenario, current lines with the F-15, F-16, F-18, F-35 and other aircraft in the works would crank up.
The estimate is that it would take 10 years to get the line back into production and running at this point. They have saves the molds, tooling and production equipment, so it is quite possible to do. The issue is training, getting suppliers back and assembling the human resources.
The killer of the F-22 program was Obama Care. A huge social program with incredible cost that meant military spending would absolutely have to be cut. THAT is why Obama promised a veto.
Great European football tactics.
Tactically, Russia would love to hurt the US in the region just alone for the public relations hit. Far over though, they are able to help secure lines of entry for Iran into Yemen to attack Saudi Arabia and that helps Russia to secure better oil prices. The Saudi role in lowering oil barrel cost to hurt Iran has also…
Ben Rich, who suceeded Kelly johnson noted in his Book “Skunkworks” that the modern UASAF oversight destroyed the capability for the rules established by Johnson to be continued and the program would never again see the type of works again. It’s a shame, as such programs as the early Skunkworks aircraft and also the…
A copyright is legal once any item is published in the public eye. Movies, text, art, if placed in the public is considered immediately copyrighted by that person. Copyrights do not need to be filed, hence works once placed in the open are protected. Anyone who places idenmtical material with a registered ciopyright…
Actually, it’s not complicated. Arab Spring was meant to replace neutral dictators with extremist Islamist. Obama is a closet Islamist Shite, which is why he has supported Iran while turning his back to Israel and Saudi Arabia. It is also why he has ignored the ISIS problem, renamed it ISIL and has ignore Islamic…