
The US is seeing the number of operational aircraft cut dramatically. The beginning estimates of the f-22 was 7,500 needed, then budgeted for 4,500, then cut down to 1,500 and final production of 187. Expect to see similar cuts to the F-35 program given the USAF already cutting back basic needed programs such as the

And this is the crux of what is wrong with the F-35 program. In order to be an “everything” jet, it does nothing great. Stealth is compromised by the outside ordinance, BVR weapons do not currently fit internally, the head set does not function and what currently is used is too large, Air to ground support is poor and

Frankly, Israel has the most battle tested F-16 program with limited resources. They use the CFT’s for their practicality. The main reason being they do not have the tanker support that the US and NATO countries have available. But being combat driven, the F-16I’s are a hardened battle tested platform and for a budget

At china’s 100 year celebration in October of 2011, they announced in 100 years, they would economically and militarily take over the world. The council that runs China is primarily made of of hawks which think they do have the upper hand in all aspects and are pushing hard to start up such events that will lead China

Great article. Too bad with Net Neutrality, this web site will be shut down for posting such sensitive technological information. Gizmodo is on that FCC list. :/

In the past 6 years, there have been 100 times the number of firings and force retiring of military generals and officers. As an officer, now you cannot speak up against the administrations policies or issues such as this without an automatic discharge. This has been used sparingly in past administrations but now is

When you start taking a car over 90 mph, the handling gets pretty tight. When changing a lane, you feel the inertial starting to take over control of the handling and steering. It takes small amounts of changes and you absolutely cannot make quick large movements or turns without losing control fairly easily. You

I went to many airshows in the 80's and 90's and the US military really was there flying to impress. At a show in Toledo, an F-15 pilot took off on the runway at 50 feet about, pulled a 90 degree climb straight up to 25 thousand feet in what seemed like a few seconds. It disappeared going straight up in seconds,

Also as a pilot, I have to note that this impairs your vision for ten minutes or more. Imagine flying a machine above the ground at night, being distracted by this and not being able to see some of the instrumentation or scan for other aircraft around you for minutes due to being impaired by a laser flash. As a

The road is a private road built for a new sub division. The airport has been trying for over a year to get proper signage but is not legally allowed to do anything about it as it is private property.

They use a system of patented responses (pats for short) to a well list of verbal and body language. Is is communications 101 with a mash of hard core marketing thrown in. It is not all unusual to see for a business that is derived sales from public interaction. Just overly detailed for a hard sell.