
In my general observation, local restaurants (non-chain) and local chain restaurants (like maybe 5 shops total all in the same area and not national or multi-national) often have much better, fresher, healthier food anyway.

Wow, that would even seem to include not just restaurants, but the gas station/ bodega combo things everywhere that sell pre-made refrigerated sandwiches.

Oooh, or "I could have finished at the Community College, but didn't... and I'm working at something I KNOW is beneath me, but I'm not willing to do anything to actually change that situation."

I remember a coworker exactly like that.... while at the same time a coworker that was his same age had the worst crush on him (divorcee no kids). She baked and brought him cookies all the time, but he wasn't interested in her, she was like 5 years younger than him and apparently past her freshness date. ARGHHH.

Yeah, that kind of thing requires that the thing he has to tell you is "you dropped something" or "you have TP stuck to your shoe" or something like that.... and even then a tap on the shoulder is much more appropriate.

Otherwise, that's just Yeccch....

Personally, I think "random escalation of harassment" is more likely than actual rape, but it does indeed scare me. (because does that escalation turn into insults and assault? I've gotta just guess what's going on with Mr. Random Stranger.) Stalker situations have actually happened to many of us (including me) that

Right On!

Being an "odd awkward" female person, I'm sick to *death* of the "he's just awkward" or "he's just got Aspergers" being used as an excuse for this guy.

the guys who actually ARE socially awkward or have Aspergers are generally over polite and distant till they get a clear "go ahead"... and are generally among the guys

Dear Random Desperate Dork,
Get a social life beyond randomly watching women on the street. Join a club that has men AND women in it. Take a class, VOLUNTEER....
Have some actual *conversation* with someone who has a shared interest, and don't limit it to women who are HOT or under 30... (because it's 99% likely

Also, while he's middle aged, he's almost certainly not even remotely talking about single women HIS AGE... or similarly chubby as him.

(by the way, I'm middle aged, my S.O. is a year older, not tall, chubby (I'm neither tall nor slim either)... and he's quite bald... Though he never ever would have just

"Sir, have you ever had someone go home with you a second time? or on a regular basis?.... That there hasn't, might be a sign that you are/have a serious problem."

I can imagine the stupid idea is "well she must NOT have meant actual NO because she went back to his place, and cooperated with kissing, so like, anything else must be OK too, no matter WHAT she says or if she changes her mind. It's not like we can seriously expect men to control themselves."


Wilburn doesn't seem to be even IMPLYING there's a metaphor.

The judge is so clearly deciding to ignore a blatant and obvious NO, that was heard by witnesses, to the victim.

That this is almost a confession that he's ok with the behavior because he does the same thing. We don't know who he's raped, we don't know

Wilburn is actually saying, "At some time in the past, this judge raped someone... and just made excuses in his head (like every other rapist) for why his rape of someone who thought they knew him, who trusted him, was not, somehow rape."

He's so dismissive of this victims very clear and loud and evident to the

Oh gods that is creepy.

especially to outpalgeous. (hope I didn't mangle that too badly)

there's always some excuse for why the "not a stranger" rape, can't be rape....
He is someone she knows and trusts, so it can't be "rapey rape" ("it was just a misunderstanding."

Or "Everyone knows he's a nice guy"
or "He bought her dinner/drinks" or

They changed the rule about manufacturing, NOT because it would help their user base (the sellers and buyers looking for handmade & vintage items)... but so that they wouldn't have to, or be expected to police "resellers" anymore.

Now a "designer" can pick a dress out of a factory catalog, say "I need a shipping

Because it was a tool that wasn't broken, that helped buyers find the work of sellers who weren't the "usual" 200 or so constantly featured on the FP and promotional emails... and gift guides.

Because it worked for the actual handmade, and unusual quirky items that Etsy originally was about, they had to take it

Oh and now it's OK with Etsy to outsource work for mass production and drop shipping.

So now there could, theoretically, be reseller shops selling Cody Foster ornaments ON ETSY, and it's fine with Etsy that they mass produce/drop ship/resell.... well until the artist finds out and files an official complaint.

Unfortunately, if I saw the ornaments online or in a shop FIRST I'd be thinking "How cool, an artist has gotten a contract with the ornament company..."

It's so obvious that it's not just an accidental "opps animals in similar nortic motif jackets" but it's a direct copy with *changes made in an attempt to look 10%