
point blank, broad daylight

+1 just for your name

Since it's going to boil down to Gronk vs Beast mode, why not just let them fight it out some other way. I don't know, maybe in a videogame.

We are just not worthy of Marshawn.

If 4chan taught me anything, it's only gay if the balls are touching

That's one hot take

Everyone else keeps them as a trick up their sleeve

What made the referee sprint in to break them up?

Emperor Palpatine

This is funny, because Clavin is an off brand European Viagra

Rule 46. If it exists, there is porn of it

How exactly is it irrelevant? Or did you just feel like providing your 2c?

Zack de la Rocha was featured on the second album, this is from the first one

isnt it funny, how he can't see the meter? Do they just bullshit celebrities with off the chart scores, without actually showing them?

And right next to him, the fhritp guy



They're just a big slice of a small rock in the sea that happened to give the world its greatest game some 150 years ago. Did not know American Football was originally British

Shaqin news

Noppoo Choc Mini