
Whoever cut together the trailer for Crystal Skull should have been in charge of editing the movie. That person really knew how to hit the high points.

Coincidentally enough, I just started reading this today. The first chapter is quite good.

A baby will kick your ass, man.

Fun fact: he says that in the video.

There’s a reason why most states don’t allow you to ride in pickup beds.

A croc in Florida? Probably not.

You actually think that what these people are doing doesn’t require physical ability? That they didn’t practice? That there’s no memorization? That there’s no actual skill?

When my mother-in-law had a mastectomy, I was able to pick up all of her narcotics without a problem, but I wasn’t allowed to pick up her library books.

Even the best drivers will make a mistake eventually. Their attention will wander or one day they just won’t be on top of their game and make an error. Whether due to having a bad day or aging, we all get worse over time.

I suspect it will be like the switch from leaded to unleaded gas. People will resist at first, but once the benefits are obvious and local governments start mandating it, followed by the federal government, it will just be the way things are. Eventually all those leaded gas cars will be phased out and you’ll have to

Bigger cities like NYC, Paris and London will likely ban drivers first. Rural areas will be slower to follow, but they’ll bow to the inevitable. Even US states that prize their rugged individualism will eventually cave once it’s demonstrated how much safer autos are then cars.

I don’t see taking humans out of the equation as a bad thing. Operator error is the primary cause of accidents and as the general population ages, that’s only going to increase.

20 years, max.

That’s not true, actually.

That’s actually not true. Autopilots have proven themselves superior to human pilots in every instance thrown at them.

What’s that from?

Wow, that’s amazing... ly terrible.

I’m guessing all dating sites are rife with fraudulent bots (fraudbots!), as it seems men comprise the vast majority of the userbase every time one of these stories breaks.

It’s an addiction. That’s why they keep chasing the high.

As always, these are my favorite posts on io9. Lots of intriguing stories to be found yet again, something to fit every mood and taste.