
Yeah, I've always hated that character. The inevitable power creep meant she could affect not just random probability near her but also all of reality shifted her into genuine, "Oh, just fucking erase her from existence already" category. Just like the Phoenix. It just means stories reset and diminishes all the fun

I agree. I can only hope there's something we're not seeing here, because the broad outlines of the story seem to be set up.

....completely ignoring the obvious problem of deploying racist stereotypes to discuss racism. At the end of the day, if the only way you can discuss racism is by bringing out the same racist tropes, it's not satire. It's shitty jokes masquerading as satire.

Why Did Japanese People Stop Performing Seppuku?

I'll believe it when I don't see it.

I was going to say the same thing.

You're an... acquired taste., let's say.

You haven't seen the latest batch of hunters strolling around, have you?

As far as I can tell, Predestination isn't going to be released anywhere near me, not even in Boston. (Which is too far to go anyway, but still.)

Why are selfie sticks a "thing" all of a sudden? They've been around for at least 25 years in exactly this configuration used in precisely this manner.

Why are selfie sticks a thing all of a sudden? What was the tipping point? These things have been around for at least 25 years in exactly this configuration being used for exactly this purpose.

Turns out you're wrong.

This show is not my usual jam, but I love it. It is goofy fun.

One winter I went over to my friends' house to visit with a litter of puppies they'd transported from the south and she said, "Come around back because I have the basement set up as a quarantine area. Be careful, though, Boyce is sleeping on the deck."

It's a documentary on his failed attempt to make Dune.


Edge of Tomorrow was my favorite movie of the summer.

I was disappointed they didn't release an "Art of" book. The tech in the movie is some of the most believable I've seen outside of a James Cameron film. Whatever those dropships were called looked like natural evolutions of the Osprey, and the fact the exoskeletons had multiple language interfaces was a nice touch

It's awesome. Probably better as a documentary than it would have been as a movie. Jodorowsky is quite possibly insane. We never would have known what he put his son through to play Paul Atreides if it had just been a regular movie.