
You say that you’re aware of NASA’s current programs and, at the same time, that humans stopped exploring outside our own orbit. If you knew about the current programs, you’d know we haven’t actually stopped exploring outside our own orbit - there are several program examples of this exploration, many of which have

Perhaps those discoveries/accomplishments would have been, but are you really saying “there shouldn’t be credit given here, because someone else could have done it?” Well, someone else didn’t. NASA did.

I’m a NASA contractor and I, shaking with rage, scrolled down to write what you did. Thanks for doing it for me. Endless biological, physics, chemistry, botanical and engineering breakthroughs were made with shuttle/the ISS. But, you know, I guess it’s just a space anchor.

Tyler, one word: Hubble.

And the ISS would not exist without the Shuttle.

“Sadly, the Shuttle Program would turn out to be more of a very expensive anchor that would keep mankind stuck in orbit for decades than a economical space plane that could facilitate exploration beyond earth’s orbit.” Incorrect. You need to research the unclassified Shuttle program accomplishments. No need to even up

If I wrote an article entitled “Unconfirmed: Donald Trump to resurrect Hitler and appoint him Speaker of the House” and cite the Weekly World News, which themselves cited a guy on Twitter you would feel similarly as I do.

The only source of this is the UK’s Daily Express tabloid.

Like what’s “credible knowledge” in the article? It’s all unconfirmed, and its citing Twitter feeds from Syrian jihadists. Not to mention it’s all from that tabloid Express UK. You’d get more accurate info from or from TMZ. The Express is a joke. It’s like citing or Infowars ... no-one

Oh fer crying out loud, man. They’re all citing the Express UK (Daily/Sunday Express) —- a rag of such ill and dubious repute nowadays, you shouldn’t even cite it for the date and time.

I’ve been reading the twitter reports all morning. It’s bollocks.

It isn’t knowledge. It’s a rumor that is based literally on nothing.

Please don’t post things until they’re confirmed. You just feed speculation.

Vindicated? By what? You claimed the F35 was a failure, and you continue to claim that even as it’s entering service. It’s purest fantasy on your part: the program has neither gone wonderfully well, nor particularly badly.

It’s not like I make this stuff up.”

Tyler, I like your articles but you are turning into a negative nancy with the f35. You seem to have it out for it and it shows. Makes you less credible

I asked an f35 pilot today, who previously flew the f18, at the miramar air show which plane would he rather fly into combat. He said the f35 hands down. Said it was just as nimble as the f18. You armchair critics really know how to second guess our military and its planners.

You misunderstand me. It’s not about showing support for the F35 to balance out the negativity. It’s a fighter that isn’t in service yet, there’s absolutely nothing positive that you could report about it. At best it’s just performing to expectation at this point.

I’m sorry, my profession centers around brands, and how they are represented. I like your stuff so much, I hate to see you damaging yours.

That’s why you have to maintain your objectivity to be a voice in the conversation.