
We had plenty of A-1s, OV-10s and AH-1s in Vietnam. Air power, be it a supersonic bomber or a a twin-engine observation aircraft, does not determine the outcome of a COIN.

The US has historically NEVER been good at COIN. This is not the fault of the Army or the Air Force, this is a due to the civilian leadership and

Marines were VERY adamant about getting the F-35B. They flat out rejected the Super Hornets on purpose so as to not risk the F-35B procurement. Marine OAS Air is purposefully putting all their eggs in the F-35B basket.

The Air Force is trying to distance itself from anything that can do a job cheaply

Because everything that makes that Super Eagle a Super Eagle - the avionics, the FBW, the built in IRST, the TV - makes it almost as expensive as an F-22, but it'll still be just as vulnerable to SAMs as 35 year old legacy Eagle would be.

Edit: I don't think you can put F119 engines in an F-15, the engine bay in the

Democrats didn't kill it, Secretary of State Robert Gates did because he kept telling us that the F-35 was soooooo much cheaper and could do the same job as the F-22 just as well as the Raptor could.

Air power, be it a supersonic bomber or a piston-engine open cockpit biplane, doesn't determine the outcome of a COIN.

This program was notoriously bungled by the Air Force and the DoD, and what should have been a high-priority, rapidly procured capability, turned into just another big stumbling defense program, with losing contractors challenging the winning contractor decision time and time again.

50 years to develop the V-22?

OK, so the XV-3 convertiplane began the test flight research into tilt-rotor technology between 1955 and 1962. The program that begat the XV-15 was started by NASA in 1971 to test and evaluate the concept's high speed performance over conventional helicopters. There were two competing

Not to get too far into the upcoming post, but how delayed? If the weapon won't reach IOC until 2017 (a year after F-35A reaches IOC, a year or two before F-35C's IOC and the F-35B total force is a fraction of a fraction of the total US air power, plus they don't even have their full force of F-35Bs delivered as of

Crucial hardware within the F-35B's weapons bay interferes with the full contingent of eight SDBs being carried, thus the bay needs to be redesigned to accommodate this very necessary loadout. As a result, the F-35 program has delayed the integration of this key weapon as a whole until 2022, at which time

OK, bring me my cake!

Um....these cake shelves are remarkably empty.

Gonna get CAKE!

Know what? Make my cake *this* wide.

This entire wing should be devoted to cake.

I want cake on these floors....

The cake must be *this* wide.

Which room is the cake in?

I smell cake nearby!