
Strange what can happen in the change over to a new generation. I seem to remember it being pretty normal for journos and bloggers to recommend the 360 versions of games over the PS3 version because of these "minute" (mī-no̅o̅t′) differences, and now that the table has been turned suddenly it is bad form to give a

To me, that is not the same font.

"That said, being an app developer I can empathise with him to an extent. With the money troubles I have I know for a fact however I would be willing to take on the twitter abuse for $50,000 a day"

Death threats for a game that's free?

People seem to forget that newcomers come into gaming all the time and there are plenty of people who haven't experienced this great game. So for the people that want to bitch and moan about it getting released on iOS with a fresh coat of paint, don't buy it. But the fact is putting it on Android and iOS has the

I played Star Fox 64 to death. That being said, if you want to play all of the game's levels, you will definitely need to play it more than once, and it will definitely take more than 2 hours to do so.

So it's the length of MGS2 Tanker. Okay.

Do you guys enjoy anything? I feel like every single article today is "look how terrible this looks!"

Maybe this isn't clear to you so I will say it again. You can't just genderswap shit like this. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO MEN THE SAME WAY IT HAPPENS TO WOMEN. They are not just interchangeable. How is that a hard concept? Women don't control the vast majority of companies in the gaming industry. Men aren't the ones

I don't think any of us have played the game to know if the other is right or wrong.

I fucking adore it every time these stories come around!

Ugh. I'm fucking tired of CoD being the goddamn fucking gaming humor easy button.

One thousand Japanese gamers were also polled about the Xbox One, but they all simply replied,


Do the FFXIII games actually sell well on the 360? I can't imagine the average 360 owner being interested in a JRPG, and the one who does most likely owns a PS3 too.

Boy, that Hideo Kojima!

No sea shanties though T_T

The west is the biggest loser. No Yakuza for us.