
as requested


I kinda love the reaction of those two.

Dear Games Industry,

We're not paying attention to Resident Evil or your "Survival Horror" Genre anymore because you've killed the survival horror genre.

Here's how you're marketing it now:

"Coming this summer, a new chilling chapter in what we are now calling Survival Horror: Fuck Ton Of Guns, Zombie Explosion IV.

All this article reminded me was the fact that I don't have a gf.

Thanks for reminding me...

Mixed – In-Your-Face Fanservice. All. The. Time.

How about a HD remake of a good Final Fantasy Square?

I don't understand what you're saying... I found the Youtube upload of that video and took a screenshot, then downloaded the High-Quality non-Youtube version and took a screenshot of that same part of the video.

You can't refer to them as 'Porky balls' and then not end the article with 'Th-th-that's all, folks!'

With all the Chinese readers that read Kotaku (i know you're out there!!!) I'm surprised no one's picked up on one major nugget in the source photo.

In the source posted by IGN, the OP writes "this is a joint project by Sony and Microsoft to battle Apple"这么高端的一个产品,这可是索尼和微软联合起来对抗苹果的关键一步,可不幸的是小日本把它交给了富士康
Also if this was

I would pay 20 for it. Part of the cost would be worth it just to check it out early. But that would only appeal to fanboys like myself.

Oh man! Just finally seeing boxart for this is getting me really excited!!

Now wait a second...

Wouldn't be the first time a Roomba has gotten into high-profile mischief.

Character: Vaas Montenegro

Character: Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Character: Ellie

Spoilers: this week is PS4 launch week, so there will be a shitload of Sony coverage.

So Spring 2014 is when I buy a PS4. Gotcha.