
"Most" are doing this? And your justification is "Neither" being second in the poll? I dunno but that made my head hurt a lot.

Wouldn't that technically be Dick, Dickin' in?

Holy shit, disregard everything I said. Thank you for enlightening me good chum, this man is in fact a complete twat. :D

Its funny, most people are reacting with 'Holy crap, this guy was gonna pay $735 for an Xbox One? What idiot would pay that much?!' when actually, that idiot is more than just a single isolated case. It is the whole of the UK as the RRP for Xbox One in the UK is £430, which is $703.65 - a brilliant price translation I

The top image is using some pre-rendered style character models. I don't know if you remember but when going into most scenes where there was extensive dialogue, the characters became super detailed and then reverted to normal for regular overworld/battle gameplay. The HD remakes seem to be using the same character

The grass/leaves seem to be more defined on the PS4 side, though I don't know if that is just my eyes playing tricks on me...

Yeah, was hoping to once I get my PS4 next week seeing as I've finished all of the games I wanted to play on it and there weren't any more coming out for it that I wanted.

Damnit, now I might have to keep my PS3!

Thanks for the article Mike, and no thanks to your minivan invite.

I was actually going to agree with you but to be fair, I actually think every part of a pig is used fairly commonly in meals. Trotter/feet, snout, ears, rump - quite surprising really considering the same treatment isn't given to other animals and their rumps, trotters/feet, snouts, etc!

Out of curiosity, have any of the people affected by the error tried connecting the PS4 to a different TV? I haven't heard anybody trying this yet, but I had a theory that it might be an incompatibility between a TV unit and perhaps the HDMI cable itself. The issues based on what I have heard of seem to be relating to

Lets us play the game earlier than having to wait towards the end of next year (which is when I'm guessing The Phantom Pain will most likely come out)? That is the main positive I see. (I too am a dirty fanboy)


"Note that Konami's site does not show MGS V Ground Zeroes for the Xbox One, because the console hasn't yet been dated for Japan."

Xbox One in the top left, yet it is advertising the Xbox 360 version of the game.

Not always do I hope for certain limited/collector's edition/content to come overseas, this time however I will make an exception.

I noticed this too, had to look a few times to verify! Well done in spotting it!

Are we saying that it actually took the ricin from the cigarette and that was the actual cause of death? :O

I think Naughty Dog played it extremely well. They built up this great character who you see develop as Joel and then...I suppose *SPOILERS BELOW*

Why did I have to scroll this far down before seeing Ellie?! Great choice.