I just noticed that when Banner has fully turned into Hulk in that gif, he actually knocks the little 'Review' circle away. Bravo Kotaku.
That's actually very true. Ah well, I'll be one of the ones eagerly anticipating this as I enjoyed the other two. :)
I really would prefer if this was just called 'Final Fantasy XIII-3'. From a marketing perspective on SE's side it makes (little) sense, but to a consumer it just seems stupid.
How about, showing the world that "Hey! If you pile a bunch of rocks on top of us and then light it on fire, we are breaking out of that shit!".
That was an easy decision, shooting him means one less person for the (eventual) war. Why would I do that? There's nothing to be gained from having him killed. Then again I always managed to have the Paragon or Renegade option available, not sure how you could make it that far without them unless you were speed…
I was thinking the same thing, but I have seen people on 8 hour flights not be able to tear themselves away from their console screens and who are forced by flight attendants to do so for the first few minutes of take off and the minutes during landing. I was puzzled to say the least.
What the hell happened to Snake?!
I think the mistake is actually the fact that it says "the VSA the Helghast", it should be "the VSA -and- the Helghast".
I wasn't aware that the term 'washed up' could be applied to someone with a Saturday night prime time chat show on a main terrestrial TV network.
So much more could have been done with the Chun Li than just sticking a guy in Chun Li's gear. Slightly disappoint :(
Diabetes is caused by being overweight actually, as opposed to the sugar content in your diet.
Call of Duty 4: Contemporary Warfare.
Oh man, I was just thinking what a great creepypasta this could make as I was reading the article. Looks like I wasn't the only one.
Thanks for your reply, this has actually piqued my interest. A friend of mine has bought the game and said similar things to what you've said (initially I thought he was exaggerating as he likes to do that). Maybe I will give it a try :)
This game had me interested ever since its announcement but I have to admit, once I saw the trailer with the random combat warzone pieces in Somalia, I didn't know what the fuck was going on and begun to lose interest. Seems I was right in my assumption that this part of the game was jarring to the rest of it,…
Oh god, I really do hope this becomes a thing.
You do raise a valid albeit worrying point Stephen. Though, Bioware claim that we should all be keeping our save files for the next Mass Effect and Dragon Age games which will be next-gen. How do they expect us to import those? (Unless they were talking only to the PC master race).
Although admittedly it was confusing when Ground Zeroes was announced as a 'prequel' to The Phantom Pain, I think Kojima corrected himself and actually said it was a prologue. I remember him saying something about Ground Zeroes being similar to a tutorial to get you used to the open world setting albeit in a much…
I had a similar experience, when watching the TV show I thought that the game might be a bit more 'action' based. When playing the game I initially remember thinking 'dafuq is dis?', I couldn't dodge, I couldn't jump, I couldn't do anything from the cartoon. From those moments though I found that I continually wanted…