
Natural - Regular Goku

I worked in game retail here in the UK for almost four years. For those four years, any time I encountered this type of situation it never got any easier for me to restrain myself.

Naturally, most TV stations and other media have sensationalised this story and are saying that the victim was intentionally targeted because of his purchase of the game (i.e. the criminals' intention was to rob the man of his game) when actually they intended to rob him because they wanted to, he just happened to

My god, that Buu.

I think maybe the word you were looking for is FABULOUS.

Patricia, I am disappoint.

I think it is pretty much a given that it is because of cost. Judging by the comparison screens you shared from that twitter user yesterday Bash, there is a large difference unlike what Andrew House is saying and it actually makes me glad that I was an adopter of the system at launch (which is very unlike me). :)

I suppose it is more about being aware of the stuff discussed in this article as I probably would have been blissfully ignorant as to the fact that isolation of this kind even occurs. It is a difficult situation/scenario, to provide help in but I suppose just making more people aware from the earliest possible

I have to say, of all of the articles that have been posted on Kotaku in this similar vein, this has to be the most informative and well written. I think it is much more relatable in the sense that it is quite anecdotal but actually provides examples within the more corporate/business side of things (e.g. giving

He has a personality! And he has a name! He's not just some animal you know, he's 'Riley'.

In all of the mo-cap sessions and other mo-cap training that they've shown Stefanie Joosten in (Quiet's mo-cap and face model), she's actually been in army fatigues. I've always wondered, why have her in fatigues when she should be getting used to moving around half naked, why not have her in just the mo-cap suit?

Well he did always maintain that he was the 'third guy' in that hospital room along with Snake and Miller. So maybe he was actually being more literal than metaphorical?

Nice to see the Japanese police cleaning up the streets.

I'm wondering if this game will utilise previous games saves or if we'll have to fill in a little questionnaire as to how we wanted the story to go.

Whoah whoah whoah wait a sec. When was it announced that this game was going next-gen? I thought this was a current gen title?

I don't think that is a IV, it is just a very blurry XV. I also had the same initial thought as yourself.

Some people are desperate as hell, yeah. However the person that came up with this? I am pretty sure they're just messing around and joking, especially considering their Snakebowl comment at the bottom right.

Unfortunately it kind of still is that 5 hit or nothing system, but they at least seem to have tried to introduce more skills to encourage players to use the other combos (e.g. two light hits and a strong may actually give you something useful like a knockdown on an opponent or ending up in a grab situation, etc.).

There is (was?) a demo for Yakuza 5 on the Japanese PSN that you could try. I tried it and the combat at least felt a bit more fluid and it looked a lot prettier too. The previous games running on the engine that they did made it feel like the characters were blocks of wood just 'clunking' each other. In 5, each hit

"Final Fantasy IX might not be the best Final Fantasy game"