
I'm gonna guess judging by the picture and the fact that it has been rated for PS3, it will be MGS1, 2, 3 and 4 in one collection. Most likely the original MGS1 (PS1 title) rather than a HD re-master and same goes for MGS4, the others will most likely be their HD collection counterparts though.

Not sure if it was just me, but along with Snake/Big Boss having a different voice...has Miller's voice changed too?

Definitely agree with this. I am guessing they're timing the change of executives with the release of the next gen consoles and most likely, announcement of their new Final Fantasy for said consoles i.e. fresh games from a company that has been refreshed under new leadership - an attempt to garner faith.

Awesome read, Kirk. I was really looking forward to this game before but the fact that you mention that this makes a nice 'companion' has checked the final box for me on purchasing it. I was honestly expecting this game to get a mediocre reception but it seems that it was received extremely well. Can't wait!

Except, this part was in the game from what I remember? Possible spoilers follow:

Just looking through the replies, it seems nobody pointed it out but in a way there could possibly be something or rather, someone who could change things in the Animus.

I was playing on 360. Played extensively on PC as well at a friend's and didn't see any issues either.

I don't mean to sound like a complete douche (and I know hearing this normally feels almost patronising) but I haven't actually encountered any bugs in the game bar one. It was where I jumped from a fence, got frozen mid jump and ended up skyrocketing into the air - however this actually wasn't a surprise as I've had

I'm not 100% sure but I am fairly sure that someone I played with yesterday on my team threw a grenade in my direction and I took damage. Then again that grenade might have been an enemy one and it just didn't look like it judging by the angle it hit me from.

The thing is, it actually makes sense with the way RE games have gone. I'm not sure if I'm totally desensitised to fear/scary stuff/horror but I don't actually find any game that 'scares' me as such. RE1 wasn't really 'scary' to me as such, more it had sections which made you jump (dogs banging on window, seeing the

That is Ragna the Bloodedge from Blazblue. It's a very good cosplay!

You're exactly right, I wouldn't have clicked it. But then I would have thought 'ah, so once I've been through the game I should have a look for what easter eggs people had found exactly seeing as I only stumbled across a couple by myself.'

Well if the thumbnail wasn't posted along with the article, that wouldn't have been as bad because I wouldn't know what I was looking for while playing through the game, just that it does exist somewhere. But now I know what the area and the easter egg look like.

For crying out loud, when did I say I watched the video? - I haven't, and haven't read the article either. Every comment in reply seems to think I did.

OK let me spell this out clearly and slowly for you because you seem to have completely missed my issue.

Yeah, kind of makes it no longer an 'Easter Egg' if it is something publicly known. I actually found a lot of the Arkham City ones myself by chance and then once I was satisfied with the amount of time I spent finding them, I -then- looked up the rest of them online.

Because it is part of the experience put in that is meant to trigger a response by the player. Imagine playing through the game as a Dark Souls fan and then seeing this guy, you'd probably be pretty surprised, have a laugh and then laugh with the friends you're playing with.

OK imagine this then. 'Spoiler Alert: Aeris Dies'. And then posting a picture of Aeris being stabbed by Sephiroth as the picture for the article.

Hi Owen.

I'm not usually one to complain about things like this, but seriously, what's up with all the prequels lately? God of War, Gears of War, Devil May Cry and (I'm sure there's others but I can't think of them at this second) now, this?