

Enh. That's like trying to say something meaningful about humanity from Youtube comments. It' snot necessarily very representative of anything.

I understood what you meant by calling condoms "basically free." I just meant that when protesters are handing something out to make a point, it's unrealistic to expect the hand-out to be something valuable and difficult to obtain.

You mean the thing they're giving out for free is "basically free"? I am shocked. Shocked!

Aren't birth control pills a prescription medication? You can't just pass them out on the street, even if they could afford it. The condoms are a symbol.

You know what's really stupid and shitty about all the slut-shaming comments below? They completely discount both women who enjoy porn (Quite a few surprisingly. It's a growing industry.) and those who have little other option when it comes to intimacy for medical, social and psychological reasons. For example, which

I think you hit the nail on the head in terms of individualist vs. collectivist views of feminism. Both views recognize systemic oppression when it comes to sexuality but the first wants to liberate women as individuals to be free to choose (ignoring that all choices we make influence and are influenced by the social

Presumably not wanting to do menial jobs or "work hard" (your words) is the primary reason anyone chooses sex work over another type of work (note I said choose, so let's exclude sex slaves and non-sex slaves). I don't really see how that's an issue of privilege or immaturity.

My two cents as a former stripper. Sex work is all about the economy. If a stripper starts giving blow jobs for 50 bucks than my either I need to shut her down or quit my job because not enough men are going to pay 20 for a lap dance if someone is giving more for less. In my personal life I believe everyone has the

Wow, your writing has really progressed. Saying many true, unpopular, and complicated things in a such a succinct way is a so difficult - jealous of the skill! Keep it up, the world benefits from your voice.

"The whole thing is so odd to me. As a feminist, I understand that the hierarchy originates from outdated, pernicious ideas about sex, gender, and class. "

I've been feeling anxious for (I don't want to say "sorry for") Belle Knox in light of all the bullshit she's had to endure since her sex work became public, but based on her sharp, insightful writing, I'm going to stop worrying. She's got this.

Great piece. Sorry to see such ugly and paternalistic comments popping up. Who is anyone else to tell you what is right for you to do.

I sincerely hope you know how spectacular you are. The awareness you are bringing is astonishing. Amazing role model.

I think you're assuming a pretty level of homogeneity for the experiences of all cis women and then the experiences of trans women, and I can tell you from knowing quite a few trans people that you're wrong.

Uh, you suggested that here the real injustice is that women's fears of sexual violence are being dismissed. That totally happens, but it's not what's happening here. The issue at hand in this discussion is that those fears are being twisted around and used by bigots as a reason to discriminate against trans women.

What do you say about your own dismissal of trans women's requests for recognition of their basic human dignity?

Here is a snippet from something you may need to peruse.

As a fellow cis woman and feminist, it boggles my mind that you don't see that for all our vulnerability as cis women, it pales in comparison to what trans women go through. PALES. Trans women are FAR more vulnerable than we are. For fuck's sake. Do you really, really not get that?